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      shui. She emphasises the relationship
      between nature and humans in feng
      shui. To her, humans are attached to
        “Living in a city may make us feel    Feng shui is not magic. It cannot wipe
      separated from nature. But if we take
      a look at our surroundings, we will       away all of one’s worries. But it can
      find the connection with nature. For   bring positivity and a clear mind when
      example, a wooden desk, things made
      of metal…they are all from nature,”           one is encountering challenges.
      Chow says.
        In her philosophy, feng shui is a
      way for people to transform their sur-
      roundings into a space that makes
      them feel good. It has nothing to do
      with superstition and magic.
        “Feng shui is not magic. It cannot
      wipe away all of one’s worries. But it
      can bring positivity and a clear mind
      when one is encountering challenges,”
      she says.
        When asked what her feng shui
      philosophy is, she cites a quote from
      The Book of Changes (易經) – Break
      impasse with change. Change leads to
      solutions (窮則變,變則通).
        Chow believes it is always good to
      have change. “When changes come,
      we are forced to face challenges which
      make us grow. Changing means leav-
      ing your comfort zone and entering a
      bigger world.”
        “Everything changes. If one can
      understand  this  principle,  one  can
      be stronger when facing challenges,”
      Chow says.  “Challenges make us  a
      better person and add colours to our
      life. Life would be boring without
      challenges. If you choose to give up
      when encountering challenges, then
      you lose the chance to succeed.”

        Combining Modern Fashion
         with Traditional Feng Shui
        The feng shui expert has been a
      fashion lover since she was young.
      Combining her fashion sense with her
      family’s traditional feng shui practic-  A promotional picture for Thierry Chow Yik-tung’s collaboration
      es, she creates designs with feng shui                        with Farfetch.
      concepts.                                       (Photo courtesy of Thierry Chow Yik-tung)
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