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        Christian Music

        Connecting with the


        Christians are integrating into today’s society with their “Made in Hong Kong”
        worship songs.

        By Kajal Aidasani

               abby Yeung is a musician of a
               Christian group, Sea of Glass
        GWorship,  which  composes
        Christian music in Hong Kong’s con-
           Her group held a prayer and wor-
        ship meeting in front of the Court of
        Final  Appeal  with  over  a  thousand
        participants on August 30, 2019 when
        there was a continuation of protests
        throughout Hong Kong.
           One of their original songs about
        justice (願祢公義降臨), has more than
        900,000 views on YouTube. Christians
        have brought this song to protest sites
        and it was once again sung in the rally
        that night.
           “In times of social movement,
        many Christians struggled to find    Gabby Yeung and her group Sea of Glass Worship sang Christian
        what they could do for the city they   songs composed by her group at a prayer and worship rally in front
        love. They had demands and har-               of the Court of Final Appeal on August 30, 2019.
        boured  anger and frustrations  that                  (Photo courtesy of Gabby Yeung)
        needed to be channelled. And those
        were the objectives of the rally: to   the city’s gloomy future and wanted  music  being  sung by  Christians  and
        pray, to cry out for the city and to en-  to be present in our rally, providing  non-Christians and that they can re-
        courage one another not to lose hope,”   us with an opportunity to bring them  late their desperation for justice with
        the 35-year-old vocal teacher says.  emotional healing through music,”  Christian music.
           “Some participants were non-     Yeung adds.                            “I did not listen much to Canton-
        Christians. They felt powerless against   Yeung  is  happy to  see  Christian  ese worship songs in the past. They
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