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      curriculum. She remembers being unable to answer ques-  in HKDSE respectively.
      tions in Form One Chinese History classes due to her in-  Her school’s focus on Bibi’s Chinese education came at
      adequate Chinese level.                              the expense of other learning opportunities. Believing Bibi
        “The question was ‘What policy was implemented by   needed to set aside more time to study Chinese, her teach-
      the emperor?’ and I remember my Chinese was so bad that   ers persuaded her to take only two DSE electives.
      I answered: ‘He ate fruit,’” she recalls.               “(The teachers) said, ‘You need (to focus on) Chinese,
        Bibi’s Chinese improved after attending one-on-one   it’s too difficult for you’, so I ended up choosing two elec-
      classes in Form One. In Form Three, she started learn-  tives,” she explains.
      ing Chinese with Form One Chinese students. In Form     To enter any of the Joint University Programmes Ad-
      Six, she eventually took the Applied Learning Chinese   missions System (JUPAS) participating institutions, ap-
      (ApL(C)) examination.                                plicants are required to attain Level 3 or above in the
        The ApL(C) subject was introduced as an alternative   Category A Chinese Language DSE exam. Non-Chinese
      qualification for the Chinese Language (Category A) sub-  speaking (NCS) students are allowed to take alternative
      ject in the Hong Kong Diploma of Secondary Education   Chinese language exams as a substitute for this require-
      (HKDSE) examination in the school year of 2014-2015.   ment. ApL(C) is one of the alternative options.
        According to the Hong Kong Examinations and Assess-
      ment Authority (HKEAA), the results of Attained and At-          Two Sides of the Same Coin
      tained with Distinction in ApL(C) are equivalent to Level   While some non-Chinese speaking (NCS) students,
      2 and Level 3 or above of the Category A Chinese subject   like Bibi, spend their secondary school catching up on

           Alternative Chinese qualifications and the minimum grade required for admission into JUPAS
                                             participating institutions*

                                          GCE         GCE          GCE
                              ApL(C)                                                GCSE         IGCSE
                                          (A-Level)   (AS Level)   (O-Level)
       The University of
       Hong Kong                Attained    Grade E      Grade E        Grade E        Grade E      Grade E
       The Chinese University
       of Hong Kong             Attained    Grade E      Grade E        Grade E        Grade C      Grade C
       The Hong Kong Uni-
       versity of Science and   Attained    Grade E      Grade E        Grade E        Grade E      Grade E
       City University of
       Hong Kong                Attained    Grade E      Grade E     Not recognised    Grade C      Grade C
       The Hong Kong
       Polytechnic University   Attained    Grade E      Grade E        Grade C        Grade C      Grade C
       Hong Kong
       Baptist University       Attained    Grade E      Grade E        Grade C        Grade C      Grade C

       Lingnan University       Attained    Grade E      Grade E        Grade C        Grade C      Grade C
       The Open University of
       Hong Kong               Attained     Grade E     Grade E         Grade E       Grade E      Grade E
       The Education Univer-
       sity of Hong Kong       Attained     Grade E     Grade E         Grade C       Grade C      Grade C

      *Source from JUPAS

      *Certain programmes do not accept alternative Chinese language requirements, or will require applicants
      to submit additional proof of Chinese language proficiency in order to be accepted into the programme.
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