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                                                                                ypes of fue
                                                                                         l obt
                                                                               Types of fuel obtained from plastic
                                                                                             ained fr
                                                                                                   om plas
                                                                                  (Pho t o c ourt esy of P aul Lin)
                                                                                  (Photo courtesy of Paul Lin)

        aul Lin, left, at the Firs
                                      eans Da
                           t N
                             ational Oc
       Paul Lin, left, at the First National Oceans Day 2020 at Kaohsiung City, Taiwan.
                                                                 , T
                                             y 2020 at K
                                                      aohsiung City
                            (Pho t o c ourt esy of P aul Lin)
                            (Photo courtesy of Paul Lin)
                                                                              The t eam at P oseidon Indus try with
                                                                              The team at Poseidon Industry with
                                                                             bags of tr ash c ollect ed fr om the beac h.
                                                                             bags of trash collected from the beach.
        According to the Environmental      “If you take a step back to look at   (Pho t o c ourt esy of P aul Lin)
                                                                                  (Photo courtesy of Paul Lin)
      Protection Association (EPA), a gov-  the whole picture, it’s not just your
      ernment agency for environmental  house, your neighbourhood, your city,
      conservation in Taiwan, the general  or your country. We’re talking about
      recycling rate is 55 per cent. A 2017  this whole world!” he says.
      report from the environmental con-    Lin feels happy that more and more
      sulting firm Eunomia notes that it is  people are joining forces to help save
      one of the highest rates worldwide.   the earth. People around him have all
        Lin adds that Taiwan’s compre-   started to be more waste-conscious.
      hensive recycling regulations make  They give Lin’s company plastic waste   (Plastic waste) is
      it easier to obtain suitable plastic for  from their homes and offices, just like
      pyrolysis.                         what Lin does for his own family.     a problem beyond
        But he thinks that is not enough.   Hoping his company can increase
        A study published on Science Ad-  the plastic recycling rate in the com-  our capability. We
      vances in 2017 found that only about  ing 50 years, he vows to continue
      nine per cent of the world’s plastic was  working in the recycling industry to   just do the one per
      recycled,  with  the  remaining  91  per  make that happen.
      cent either in landfills or incinerators.   “(The moment) I made a decision   cent out of the 91
        “(Plastic  waste)  is  a problem be-  to join this company, I made a deci-    per cent.
      yond our  capability.  We  just do  the  sion to make this company my entire
      one per cent out of the 91 per cent.  career. This could be a career for life,”
      Without other people’s help, our con-  he says.
      tribution is nothing,” Lin says.
                                                             Edited by
                                                             Edited by

          Working Hand-in-Hand                      Patricia Ricafort    t
                                                    Patricia Ricafor
        Lin urges people to work together
                                                      Sub-edited by
      to overcome the problem of plastic              Sub-edited by
      waste.                                              Sarah Ryou
                                                          Sarah Ryou
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