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               Su’s self-driving tour equipment.             Su took a ferry ride to Hainan in January 2021.
                  (Photo courtesy of Su Min)                           (Photo courtesy of Su Min)

        “When I set off, I drove on a road passing through Xi’an,  2021. “The weather in the south is very warm, and I see
      so I went to there. Then an old friend in Chengdu invited  blue skies,” Su says with a smile.
      me. I went directly to Chengdu and spent more than 20
      days there,” Su says.                                               Difficulties in Travel
        Apart from gatherings with her old friend, Su met new   Su also had difficult times during the journey.
      friends in Chengdu.                                     Su travels on a tight budget. She rarely visits attractions
        “I went to  see a recreational vehicle show and met  that charge entrance fees. She just walks around.
      campers who organized a trip to Yunnan. So, I joined    There were times when she did not have enough mon-
      them,” Su says.                                      ey. Su chose to live at a campsite instead of going out. She
        Su travelled to more than 20 cities in Yunnan. The beau-  waited for her pension to be credited into her bank ac-
      tiful sceneries left a deep impression on her.       count, then she continued her journey.
        She took a ferry trip to Hainan with her car in January                    Su also had difficulties when
                                                                                looking for campsites in Yunnan.
                                                                                   “One day I found an ecological
                                                                                parking  lot  on  the  internet.  The
                                                                                time was after 7 p.m., and the site
                                                                                was in the mountains, 51 km away
                                                                                from where I was,” Su says.
                                                                                   Su arrived at the parking lot
                                                                                around 9 p.m., and she found that
                                                                                there  were  only  two  houses.  The
                                                                                houses were lit and with tables
                                                                                and  chairs  inside.  But  there  was
                                                                                no one except Su.
                                                                                   “Feeling scared, I immediately
                                                                                drove away. There were no signals
                                                                                in the mountains. I drove for 40
                                                                                minutes before spotting a village.
                                                                                Then after 20 minutes, my mobile
                                                                                phone was able to navigate. Final-
                                                                                ly, I got on the highway and found
                                                                                a site to rest,” Su says.
                                                                                   Su always avoided taking high-
                                                                                ways because the car used to be
                                                                                linked to her husband’s payment
                  Su at Erhai Beach in Yunnan, November 2020.                   card. One day, Su took a high-
                           (Photo Courtesy of Su Min)
                                                                                way trip and spent RMB ¥81 (US
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