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                    No more plastic waste
           ather of three, Paul Lin, is always shocked by the
           amount of waste his family produces. To promote a
     Fhealthy and green lifestyle, Lin teaches his children
      to reduce their plastic waste. But the most important step
      is what happens after they clean and dump used plastic in
      a recycling bin.
        Once the recycling bin is full, Lin collects his family’s
      plastic waste and takes it to his workplace to be trans-
      formed into diesel fuel. He has been doing this ever since
      joining Poseidon Industry, a company in Taiwan that spe-
      cialises in recycling plastic waste, as a general manager in
        “All my kids know what I do. My son even wrote an es-
      say about what I do in terms of recycling and trying to help
      out the world,” he chuckles.
        Having a green lifestyle is a big part of Lin’s vision for
      his family and himself because he cares about their sur-
      rounding environment. It is also why he decided to join the
      recycling industry.
        “It’s kind of in my blood,” he says.
                                                                              s thr
                                                                    aul Lin sort
                                                                   Paul Lin sorts through trash at the beach.
                                                                                  ough tr
                                                                                        ash at the beac
                                                                         (Photo courtesy of Paul Lin)
                                                                                          aul Lin)
                                                                                   esy of P
                                                                             o c
                                                                        Start of Something New
                                                              Born in Taiwan, Lin moved to the United States when
                                                           he was young. He majored in studio art and minored in
                                                           digital  imaging  at  university,  then  worked  at  a  printing
                                                           house as a designer after graduation. But he left after eight
              All my kids know what                        months because he thought the job was boring.
                                                              In late 2000, Lin was inspired by a relative who was
             I do. My son even wrote                       a real estate broker, and he became a broker himself. He
                                                           continued working in the property business until 2011.
               an essay about what I                       He started a family in between those years and decided
             do in terms of recycling                      to move back to Taiwan to be closer to his parents. Lin
                                                           launched a trading business that imports home goods
               and trying to help out                      from other countries in 2012.
                                                              “I never thought I would be doing recycling, real estate,
                        the world.                         or international trading business. I never had the idea and
                                                           never thought this would happen back in (university),” he
                                                              When comparing the four jobs he has had so far, the
                                                           42-year-old says his current job is more complicated and
                                                           requires more effort.
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