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56 / People

           “I’m not (from) this background. I
        wasn’t a chemical engineering major
        so it’s really a challenge. I have to look
        for  the  kind  of  plastic  we  can  treat.
        If a plastic is not recyclable or it has
        a bad (plastic-to-oil) conversion rate,
        then there’s no point in sourcing it,”
        he adds.

                 The Origin Story
           Lin first started wondering about
        where trash was shipped to at his pri-
        mary school cafeteria.
           “After lunchtime, I saw people who
        took their trays and threw everything
        into trashcans, including food, milk
        bottles and plastic wraps. All these
        were just dumped into one trash can,”
        he says, shaking his head.                              T ypes of plas tic that ar e r ecy c lable.
                                                                Types of plastic that are recyclable.
           As he grew older, Lin kept on no-                       (Photo courtesy of Paul Lin)
                                                                       o c
                                                                                   aul Lin)
                                                                             esy of P
        ticing how wasteful modern lifestyle
        is.                                      Reverting Plastic to Oil       by millions of disposed masks.
           When working in the trading         Lin’s company adopts a technology   Lin also notes the increase in trash
        business,  he witnessed  excessive  use   called pyrolysis that converts plastic  during the pandemic is choking the
        of cargo boxes, shrink wraps, plastic   back to its original state—petroleum.   planet. “People are staying at home,
        straps and other sorts of packaging    The technology can convert 10  so they always go online shopping.
        materials. Lin tried to minimise the   tons of plastic waste, sourced from  That probably saves time, but it cre-
        amount of waste by reducing packag-  factories and manufacturers, to 6,000  ates more trash. The demand for cargo
        ing and putting different products in   litres of fuel each day. The fuel is a mix  boxes (and plastic packaging) has in-
        one cargo box. This also helped to cut   of diesel, gasoline, and kerosene.   creased tremendously,” he says.
        down on costs.                         The company’s research depart-     “In today’s world, we want eve-
           “I  really  care  about  what  kind  of   ment has recently discovered that sin-  rything to be simple, easy and con-
        environment we (live) in. If I can do   gle-use masks which are used globally  venient,  but  we  don’t  see  that  being
        something for human race, or at least   to protect people from COVID-19,  convenient actually creates more
        for…Taiwan, that’s something I ought   can be recycled into fuel as well. This  problems,” he adds.
        to do,” he says.                    can help solve waste problem caused

                  I really care about what kind of environment we (live)

                    in. If I can do something for human race, or at least

                          for…Taiwan, that’s something I ought to do.
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