Page 56 - 170 Varsity ebook
P. 56

54 / People

           “Thank you for spending time     in everything in daily life.        mainland at a cheaper price, Tao
        making many beautiful crafts for us. It                                 makes her crafts in her free time.
        is warm and delightful for my univer-  “I hope my crafts can be a little
        sity life!” a recipient wrote in a mes-  delight when students are busy with   “The cost is not high. It costs
        sage for Tao.                       their study. They can feel my care and  around RMB ¥5 (US $0.7) for 100
                                            good wishes for them,” she adds.    pipe cleaners. My time and effort
           Crafting Magic                                                       makes them more valuable,” Tao says.
                                               Her love for crafting began a year
           Tao believes crafts made with sim-  ago when she was a university student   Behind Twistman
        ple materials can bring happiness to   in  Nanjing.  The  first  craft  she  cre-
        others.                             ated was a bunny with a white ribbon   The creation of Twistman all began
                                            around its neck.                    with a group project in Tao’s new me-
           “With pipe cleaners, stickers, glue,                                 dia analytics course.
        and creativity, you can make your own   Tao continues her craft-making
        masterpiece,” Tao says, noting that the   endeavors after moving to Hong Kong   “We were required to manage a
        body of the Twistman is made from a   for her studies.                  social media account. I got inspired
        toilet paper roll. She finds inspiration   With materials shipped from the  by my hobby of making pipe cleaner
                                                                                crafts and wanted to combine it with
                                                                                my project,” Tao says.

                                                                                  On top of the homework’s require-
                                                                                ments, Tao hopes her work can bring
                                                                                joy to people who feel stressed.

                                                                                  “Numerous suicide cases were re-
                                                                                ported last year.  Many  of  them  are
                                                                                in my age. I want to do something to
                                                                                help others reduce stress and pressure,
                                                                                even though I cannot reach them in
                                                                                person,” she says.

                                                                                  Similar to Hong Kong, mental
                                                                                health issues are also common among
                                                                                students at Nanjing University, where
                                                                                she had her first degree in the Korean

                                                                                   “Frustration is also common
                                                                                amongst mainland university stu-
                                                                                dents. Students need to work hard for
                                                                                their GPA and are under a lot of pres-
                                                                                sure from parents,” Tao says.

                                                                                  “I  was  shocked  when  one  of  my
                                                                                Korean friends at Nanjing University
                                                                                jumped into his death due to his fam-
                                                                                ily issues,” she recalls.

                                                                                  Tao shares that she also experi-
                       Handmade crafts were distributed around the campus by
                        Lenka Tao Huayi. (Photo courtesy of Lenka Tao Huayi)    enced a brief period of depression, but
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