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      she overcame it at last as she realized
      everything has its ebbs and flows and
      that there is no point in pushing one-
      self too hard.

        “Craft making is a way for me to
      release pressure and find satisfaction.
      I encourage young people to develop
      their interests,” Tao adds.

        Movement Expands

        Aspired to spread her joy to more
      people, Tao does not want to confine
      the giveaways in CUHK only.

        Sharing the same goal, 11 girls
      have joined Tao since January 2024.
        While one of them is an office
      worker in Central, the rest come from
      the eight universities across the city.

        They usually gather on weekends
      when  Tao  assigns  them  crafts  to  be
      delivered to different places in Hong

        “I am so glad that many people join
      me to spread joy. I wish those who are
      in sorrow and anxiety can step out of
      their blue one day,” she adds.

             Edited by Jasmine Lam
             Edited by Jasmine Lam
             Sub-edited by Nicole LI
             Sub-edited by Nicole LI
                                                    Twistman and her team. (Photo courtesy of Lenka Tao Huayi)

                                                   “I hope my crafts can be a

                                                 little delight when students

                                                  are busy with their study.

                                                 They can feel my care and

                                                     good wishes for them”
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