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50 / People

      Running With the Disabled

      A Hong Kong runner on his first ultramarathon and how it inspired him.
      By Winnie Li                                                                 (Photo courtesy of Steve Lo Chun-yin)

                   ltramarathon    runner      “I am not looking for a sense of  ners. “It’s not only about the path
                   Steve Lo Chun-yin is  success. I just want to see the blind  that you are running. It’s also
           Uthe  first  Hong  Konger  running in the competition with  about  helping them  understand
        to finish a marathon distance of  my eyes to find out how they do  the whole environment,” Lo says.
        42.195-kilometres-plus on each of  that and finish the competition,”
        the seven continents and the North  Lo says.                              “The biggest task is to first un-
        Pole, doing so in 2015.                                                 derstand them. After that, you
                                               Following his passion for run- will find out that it (guide run-
           “The duration and the distance  ning, Lo founded Wheel for One-      ning) is just a way to get to know
        of an ultramarathon is quite long,  ness (WFO) in 2017.                 a new friend. It is just that the
        and most of the competitions are                                        friend cannot see well,” Lo adds.
        in nature, so participants can en-     “I want to help those with dis-
        joy time by themselves and talk to  abilities take part in marathons in   Recalling his first run in Saha-
        themselves. It is the me-time that I  groups so that they can experience  ra in 2012, there were moments
        cannot experience in the city,” Lo  it and get the chance to communi-   that Lo wanted to give up.
        says.                               cate with people,” he says.
                                                                                  During the race, Lo suf-
           Lo  began  running  ultramara-      In 2018, Lo organised a team  fered from blisters on his feet
        thons after his boss shared that he  of around 40 people to bring three  that made it difficult for him to
        ran alongside elderly and disabled  disabled children in rickshaws to  walk. He also had diarrhoea after
        people in the Marathon des Sables,  join a 100 km ultramarathon held  drinking water with sand inside,
        a seven-day 250-kilometre ultra- in the Gobi Desert.                    and began to feel unwell after fin-
        marathon in the Sahara Desert.                                          ishing 10km.
                                               Lo is also a guide for blind run-
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