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        “I thought of giving up,” Lo says,
      but he continued the race.

        “There was  a team  of French
      firefighters who brought a disabled
      runner with them using a rickshaw.
      When I got lost, I found marks left
      by them and found the next check-
      point and finally finished the run,”
      Lo adds.

        He was inspired by the firefight-
      ers who helped the disabled run-

        “The firefighters took turns to
      cross the finishing line carrying
      the disabled participants,” Lo re-
      calls.                                     Steve Lo Chun-Yin running a marathon in New Mexico in 2014. (Photo
                                                               courtesy of Steve Lo Chun-yin)
        Wanting  to do the same, he
      then bought rickshaws of his own  and set up WFO.                      stand the importance of contribut-
                                            Lo received a lot of criticism  ing to society, and I hope they can
                                         when he first started his NGO  make the society healthier in the
                                         since some thought he was only  future,” Lo says.
                                         doing it for fame.
                                                                                      Edited by Liam Hordijk
                                            “The part that hurt me most is            Sub-edited by Nicole Li
                                         that those who we are helping also
                                         think so. But I never thought of
                                         giving up, as it is normal for people
                                         to have different thoughts of me,”
                                         Lo says.
      Steve Lo Chun-Yin sharing his life thoughts
           and experiences with students.
                                            When he resigned from work in
                                         2018, his wife was supportive of his
                                         plan. Lo now brings his family to
                                         do volunteering with him.

                                            “We can spend time with each
                                         other, and I can also educate my
                                         daughter to help others,” says Lo.
                                            Lo now does school visits to
                                         share stories of his life lessons from
                                         running with students.
       Steve Lo Chun-Yin running in the Standard
      Chartered Hong Kong marathon in January   “School is a critical time to
                                         shape one’s personality and values,
                                         that’s why I keep going to schools
                                         to share my thoughts. I think it’s
                                         important for teenagers to under-
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