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      someone starts taking action, we will end our argu-
      ments,” he says. “We don’t reproach other protesters
      as we stick to the principle of ‘not splitting up’.”
        The Hong Kong protesters have demonstrated
      strong solidarity by minimising any possible nega-
      tive impact on the movement and it is illustrated by
      how they treat misinformation circulating online.
      Davis says protesters rarely vote on Telegram to de-
      cide their next moves during protests because they
      worry about making wrong decisions if they rely too
      much on the unverified news spreading on social me-
      dia. Instead, they tend to judge by their own observa-
      tions at protest sites.
        Davis  was  once  misled  by  a  Telegram  message
      saying that legions of riot police had arrived at the
      scene. But the fact was that there were only one or                         A protester is on the lookout for the
      two police cars. “Sometimes it is very hard to verify                              situation in the distance.
      authenticity of information, but it’s not a big prob-
      lem,” says Davis. “If there is something really serious                dit”, this online forum is crowned as
                                                         According to an onsite
      happening, the whole world would know that. Mis-  survey conducted by the   one of the virtual command centres
      takes only exist in some petty things.”            Centre for Communica-  of the decentralised movement, in
                                                         tion and Public Opinion   which protesters discuss protest tac-
                                                           Survey of CUHK,
               Virtual Command Centres:                     41.8%            tics and organise protest activities.
                  LIHKG and Telegram                     of the participants    The onsite survey found that these
        According to an onsite survey conducted by the     of a march on     social media sites are embraced not
      Centre for Communication and Public Opinion Sur-    August 18 always   just by the youth but also by the older
                                                          use Telegram to
      vey of the Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK),   acquire informa-  generation, who are often regarded
      41.8 per cent of the respondents who took part in the   tion related to   as technology laggards. More than a
                                                            the protests
      march organised by Civil Human Rights Front on Au-                     third of the respondents aged 50 and
      gust 18 always used Telegram to acquire information   57.3%            above said that they always used LI-
      related to the protests, while 57.3 per cent of those   of the participants   HKG to acquire information.
                                                          of a march on Au-
      surveyed always obtained information from another   gust 18 use LIHKG     Florence, a middle-aged housewife
                                                             to obtain
      online platform LIHKG. Dubbed “Hong Kong Red-       information about   who refuses to disclose her full name,
                                                            the protests     first learned about the two messag-
                                                                             ing apps from young protesters in the
                                                                             June 12 demonstration, during which
          A protester gets updates of events on his phone in a march.        thousands gathered around the Legis-
                                                                             lative Council Complex as an attempt
                                                                             to stop the extradition bill’s second
                                                                             reading. “When I saw the frontline
                                                                             protesters  building
                                                                             mills barriers, I
                                                                             wanted  to  know
                                                                             what their next
                                                                             moves were. That
                                                                             was why I down-
                                                                             loaded these apps,”
                                                                             she says.
                                                                                 Florence is not a   Florence
                                                                             newcomer to social
                                                                             movements. She joined marches in
                                                                             the city whenever huge issues arose,
                                                                             including the demonstration in sup-
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