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           Left:  A protester gets updates of events on his phone in a march; Right: The logo of LIHKG and the popular stickers widely
              used by netizens on this online forum.

      the streets. Can we bring their power to the district councils?”    lishing any messages online that encour-
      Four days later, he posted the first post on LIHKG and recruited    ages or incites violence that could do
      the first squad of volunteers via the online forum.                          harm to individuals or cause
        Yoyo and his teammates actually employ multiple social                          damage to their prop-
      media networks. After absorbing new blood into the team, they                      erty.  This temporary
      created several smaller chat groups on Telegram based on con-                       injunction   remains
      stituencies and work categories. They also opened a Facebook                         in force until Novem-
      page for “Hi! Freedom”, earning around 6,700 likes.                                  ber 15 when a formal
                                                                                          hearing is held. The
               Features of decentralised leadership                                      ban applicable to any
        Professor Francis Lee Lap-fung, school director of CUHK’s       Francis Lee Lap-fung  online  platforms
      School of Journalism and Communication, thinks the wide-                              specifically  cites
      spread popularity of these two online platforms during the          LIHKG and Telegram as examples at the
      months-long social movement is rooted in their “self-enforce-       request of the Department of Justice.
      ment dynamics”, which means that the more users the plat-
      forms attract, the greater value they have. Functioning as a cy-
      cle, when these platforms play an increasingly important role in
      mobilising protesters, more and more people will turn to them                  Edited by Gloria Li
      in return.
        He says this online-driven and leaderless organisation
      model can generate public enthusiasm to get involved in the
      movement. “All the people think
      of is how they can contribute to the
      movement in their own way, which            All the people think of is how they can
      opens up more possibilities for inno-
      vations in protest tactics,” Lee says.   contribute to the movement in their own way,
      “A stronger sense of engagement    which opens up more possibilities for innova-
      also helps sustain  the participants’
      support for the movement,” he adds.            tions in protest tactics.
        On October  31, the High Court
      of Hong Kong issued an interim in-             352       18         9
      junction to bar the public from pub-
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