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               uring the anti-extradition law
               amendment bill (anti-ELAB)
        Dmovement, activists and celeb-
        rities attend seminars and conferences
        in different parts of the world to speak
        for Hong Kong protesters, while ordi-
        nary citizens join hands in their own
        ways to inform people outside Hong
        Kong about what is happening in the
           #Anti-elab, #FreeHongKong and
        #HongKongPolice are some of the
        many hashtags Hong Kong netizens
        use on Twitter, Reddit and Facebook                                      Photo courtesy of "JieJie & UncleCat"
        to draw global attention to the move-
        ment. They also crowdfund advertise-
        ments in overseas newspapers  and
        launch a petition to the White House
        calling on the U.S. Congress to review
        the existing extradition agreement
        with Hong Kong. Gradually, the anti-
        ELAB movement has evolved from lo-
        cal protests demanding withdrawal of
        the bill to a global movement to "liber-
        ate Hong Kong".

                  "Share" it now
           Taiwanese artist JieJie is one of
        those who join the global campaign
        in  support  of the movement.  He  is
        a co-founder of a popular Facebook
        page  "JieJie  and UncleCat", which
        publishes illustrations and has more
        than  500,000 followers. During the
        anti-ELAB movement, JieJie has cre-        Left: JieIie’s illustration on the July 21 incident; Right: illustration with
        ated illustrations on his page with cap-   texts in different languages
        tions explaining the chain of events in
        Hong Kong, including conflicts be-      stand looking at bloody pictures and videos.
        tween protesters and the police.           Although the anti-ELAB movement mainly takes place in Hong Kong,
           His illustrations feature the July 21   JieJie thinks it is closely related to Taiwan not only because of the close geo-
        incident in which a group of suspected   graphical distance, but also the purpose and meaning of the movement – to
        gangsters attacked ordinary citizens at   resist the system of the Chinese Communist Party and fight for democracy.
        Yuen Long train station and the pro-       Responding to his followers’ requests, JieJie translates captions attached
        test on October 1 during which a po-    with his drawings into English and Japanese with the help of his friends in
        liceman  shot  a  young  protester  with   order to reach out to a wider audience. “I hope my drawings can encourage
        live ammunition have been widely        Hong Kong people and tell people around the world about the seriousness
        circulated with more than 15,000 and    and absurdness of some incidents in Hong Kong,” JieJie says.
        17,000 shares on Facebook respective-
        ly. Through his comic style illustra-                         Sharing news stories
        tion, JieJie wants to depict brutality     JieJie is not alone in this journey. Adeline Bong shares his mission of
        and violence reported in news which     informing her fellow countrymen in Malaysia about what is happening in
        he finds outrageous in a less stressful   Hong Kong and reasons behind the protests.
        manner for his audience who cannot
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