Page 18 - 153 varsity ebook
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16 / Periscope

        port of the Tiananmen Square protests in 1989, the          Florence often browses LIHKG to check out
        anti-Article  23 protest in  2003 and the Umbrella       details of protest activities. She says social media
        Movement in 2014. But she was never a core player        enables her to learn more information about the
        in any of these movements.                               movement.
            “This time it’s different. It is a leaderless move-
        ment. Everyone can start up something,” Florence                   From online to offline
        says.                                                       Some other LIHKG users are thinking about
           She initiated a HK$10 million “Sue the Abuser”        how to transform an online brainwave into of-
        crowdfunding campaign together with her friends          fline political energy in the communities. Yoyo
        to help victims sue police officers over their alleged   is one of the convenors of “Hi! Freedom”, a plat-
        mistreatment. They talk in small groups on Tel-          form providing assistance and support for po-
        egram, coordinating logistics and publicity of the       litical amateurs who will run in the upcoming
        project.                                                 District Council elections as first-time candi-
           As a beginner at Telegram and LIHKG, Florence         dates. Along with some of his friends, he wrote
        says learning how to use these applications is not       a post on LIHKG this June, appealing to netizens
        difficult for her because their design is simple. “The   to stand for the November election and replace
        first thing I do after waking up is to check Telegram    pro-establishment district councillors who were
        on my phone,” she says. She reads Telegram mes-          elected uncontested four years ago.
        sages as daily news because the public channels will        “I was once in despair about Hong Kong soci-
        sum up what happened the night before.                   ety, but this time I see hope in the movement,”
           As for LIHKG, this app allows its community           says Yoyo.
        members to vote up and down on all the threads,             After  millions  of people  flooded  the streets
        making the most popular posts appear on the fo-          on June  16, mounting resistance to the Chief
        rum’s front page. Florence says the function helps       Executive’s governance, an idea popped up into
        her save time by screening out useless topics.           Yoyo’s mind: “There are two million people on
           Set up in late 2016, this online forum was once
        widely used by university students where they dis-
        cussed everything from gaming to dating. After the       I was once in despair about
        large-scale anti-government movement broke out,
        this forum has become a major discussion space for   Hong Kong society, but this time I
        protesters to campaign protest ideas and strategies,   see hope in the movement.
        in which freedom of speech is emphasised and the
        practice of anonymity gives users a sense of secu-    160      3       5

                                                                                 Yoyo, co-founder of
                                                                                 Hi! Freedom, stands
                                                                                 against a wall spray-
                                                                                 painted with “Liberate
                                                                                 Hong Kong”.
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