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                                                                                       Photo courtesy of Kwong

      History of Hong Kong in British Colonial Era", ac-  promise to honour the international treaty and serve as a ref-
      knowledges the intention of arousing global aware-  erence to show how China handles international treaties and
      ness towards the anti-ELAB movement through dif-  partnership with the rest of the world.
      ferent means, with regard to Hong Kong's special
      status in the international stage. “Hong Kong could                          Edited by Raven Hui
      be the breeding bed for another global economic
      crisis, since it is an important financial hub in the
      world,” says Kwong, explaining the reason why the
      international community should care about Hong
      Kong’s current situation. He adds that as the city
      has accommodated multinational businesses, for-
      eign governments would also be concerned with the
      safety of their people working in Hong Kong, which
      has already led to discussion in the U.S. Congress.
         Kwong believes the Hong Kong-China relation
      has a fundamental implication on China’s diplo-
      macy with other countries, since Hong Kong’s con-
      stitutional principle "One country, Two systems" is
      promised in the Sino-British Joint Declaration, an
      international treaty signed by the United Kingdom
      and China. The current situation in Hong Kong can
      show whether the Chinese government has kept its
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