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     development scheme.                 and principle-based guidelines that   formation, such as IP addresses which
        Demonstrators view government    safeguard the privacy of individu-  can reveal one’s location and activity.
     lampposts with suspicion and they be-  als’ data or “any information which   In a written reply, Privacy Com-
     lieve it is a measure to step up surveil-  relates to a living individual and can   missioner for Personal Data Stephen
     lance. They tore down lampposts in   be used to identify that individual. It   Wong Kai-yi says the ordinance is a
     Kowloon Bay, Kwun Tong and Kai Tak   must also exist in a form which ac-  technology-neutral legislation, which
     in late August, although the govern-  cesses to or processing of is practica-  provides room for continued applica-
     ment denied the accusation and said   ble.”                             bility against changes in time.
     that the lampposts were for monitor-   As the government is subject to the   “Personal data privacy right is not
     ing weather, traffic conditions and air   PDPO, any unintended          absolute. It has to be balanced by other
     quality.  But many protesters believed   use of collected data          considerations such as public interest,
     they could be traced by lampposts sus-  can result in a                 public safety, public order, and securi-
     pected to be equipped with artificial-  breach of the or-               ty,” he notes. “The application of data
     intelligence-powered   surveillance  dinance. Howev-                    protection principles and provisions
     software. They fear their identity cards   er, Jackson states           of the Ordinance may be exempted in
     or facial-recognition cameras on poles   that public venues             the cases of the prevention or detec-
     might  expose  their whereabouts  and   consist of individu-            tion of crime, the apprehension, pros-
     what they have done during the move-  als’ privacy interest  Michael Jackson  ecution or detention of offenders.”
     ment. They are also worried that their   in a public place
     data and personal information might   limits their ability to
     be transferred to the Chinese govern-  claim personal privacy       Once you place yourself
     ment.                               rights.
                                            “Once you place    out there, it is difficult to argue
                Protection of            yourself out there, it is   that the mere collection of your
          individuals’ information       difficult to argue that
        It is, however, unlikely that the   the mere collection of   image is a breach of your
     government will disclose individuals’   your image is a breach    privacy rights.
     information without consent, accord-  of your privacy rights,”
     ing to Michael Jackson, Associate Pro-  he says.
     fessor of law at the University of Hong   In view of the
     Kong.                               PDPO, Jackson reckons that the law
        Jackson points out Hong Kong     has not kept up with technology be-           Lack of trust
     has Personal Data Privacy Ordinance   cause some protections are not clearly   Another increasing concern that
     (PDPO), a set of technology-neutral   applied to current technological in-  protesters have is the lack of trust in

                       Protesters open
                       their umbrellas
                       to prevent their
                         photos from
                          being taken.
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