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22 / Periscope

                                     I think it is very important for me and

                           for others to continue showing up and speak-
                              ing out at these events — for anyone who

                             knows what is happening and feels the in-
                            justice of the situation, not to be cowed into
                                         silence and inaction.

        where mainland Chinese and Hong  Kong. “Divisions in overseas Chinese               student event at his
        Kong immigrants inhabit, assemblies  community in Vancouver, particu-                  university on Octo-
        and prayer meetings took place in sup-  larly between Mainlanders and Hong-              ber 1.
        port of the demonstrations in Hong  kongers, have erupted to the surface,”                  Cheung
        Kong.                               he says.  Cheung also acknowledges                   thinks there is a
           Elliott Cheung is a second-gener-  that  his local-born Canadian friends              unique role for
        ation immigrant in Vancouver. He  consider the movement as a Chinese                     those who are
        had lived in Hong Kong, his place of  problem and is not closely related to            staying   overseas
        origin, for five years when he was a  them.                              Elliott Cheung  or have emigrated
        child. Currently studying in Taiwan,   Despite  different  reactions  from             and still care about
        Cheung has kept his fingers on the  his multinational friends, Cheung be-  Hong Kong like himself, to actively
        pulse  of  the  anti-ELAB  movement  lieves that it is essential for the anti-  help people they know to understand
        since its outbreak. While embracing  ELAB movement to reach out for more   the situation in Hong Kong. “I think it
        both parts of his Hong Kong-Canadian  global support and attention. He often   is very important for me and for others
        identity, Cheung says the movement  discusses  the  issue  with  his  friends   to continue showing up and speaking
        has galvanised his Hongkonger iden-  and shares news about the movement   out at these events (overseas marches)
        tity and he feels the urge to defend and  on social media platforms in an at-  — for anyone who knows what is hap-
        stand up for that part of him.      tempt  to  inform  people  around  him.   pening and feels the injustice of the
           From where he lives and studies,  In response to the shouts from Hong   situation, not to be cowed into silence
        Cheung has seen how Chinese soci-   Kong protesters, Cheung attended the   and inaction,” says Cheung.
        eties in different parts of the world  Global Anti-Totalitarianism march in   Kwong Kin-ming, author of "Gov-
        are affected by the situation in Hong  Taipei on September  29 as well as a   erning Hong Kong: The Governance
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