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                                                                                    to the


                                                                   Dicky Ma, a local freelance portrait
                                                                        photographer records the anti-
                                                                          ELAB movement through his
                                                                                          camera lenses.
                                                                                   By Tiffany Chong

         During this social move-                                            as $1 coins, $2 coins or $5  coins and
         ment, I witnessed un-         During this social move-              even a $20  note. I was heartbroken,”
     “righteousness. I think                                                 Ma says. He jokes when he was the
      it is my mission to capture   ment, I witnessed unright-               same age as the young demonstrators,
      these moments with my        eousness. I think it is my                he only played with ponytails of his
      camera,” Dicky Ma says.                                                classmates. To Ma it is inconceivable
      Born in Hong Kong, Ma is  mission to capture these mo-                 what these young demonstrators are
      also known as Dicky Ma-    ments with my camera.                       experiencing now.
      nana, is a renowned free-                                                 Most of the time, the atmosphere
      lance commercial photogra-
      pher specialised in portraits.                                            Ma brings a helmet, a gas mask, and a
      His works include but not limited to photo                                 headtorch to the social movement.
      shooting for different apparel brands, such as
      Adidas, Timberland and Bread n Butter.
        Rather than receiving a formal photogra-
      phy education, studying Fine Arts in Beijing
      inspires Ma to be a photographer. But his job
      achievements do not satisfy him. The recent
      anti-ELAB movement triggers him to  use
      photo-taking as a medium to be an eye for the

              Witnessing the History
        Ma recalls giving stranded young dem-
      onstrators a ride from Tsuen Wan to their
      homes. “Money was found under a mat [after
      they got off the car]. Mostly were coins, such
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