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P. 53

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 Screen Crisis

 Parents struggle to control children’s use
 of electronic devices during lockdowns.                                       My children ask if

 By Charleen Chen in Hsinchu                                                     they can watch
                                                                                Disney cartoons

                                                                                    more often.


 t is not easy for Kyra Kuo, a mother of two, to take care   sometimes threw temper tantrums when I turned off the   lessons, the brothers used the devices  and cleaning the garden.  Asking for More Cartoons to
 of a 2-year-old son, Enzo, and a 10-month-old baby.   television,” Kuo says. “When staying indoor for so long,   for games and surfing on the Internet   “Our family used to travel a lot.   Watch
 IAnti-COVID19 measures such as class suspension   it was very hard to keep my elder son away from the elec-  during the lockdown.  When we couldn’t go out all of a sud-  Lin Tien-yu, a Chinese teacher in
 make it even more challenging for Kuo.  tronic devices during the pandemic,” Kuo adds.   Her children used to enjoy going  den, the boys actually needed some  Taiwan, has a daughter, aged 5, and
 “I gave up strict control over Enzo’s television time, be-  Wang Chun-ping, a Taiwanese blogger who has been   to school and doing outdoor activities  mental preparation,” says Wang. “I  a son, aged 2. Her children used to
 cause I was just too busy,” Kuo, a Taiwanese blogger and   living in France for over 10 years, encountered similar   such as hiking and swimming. But  explained to them that we must stay  join many activities such as drawing,
 housewife, who is now living in the Netherlands after   problems. Her two sons, Alexandre, aged 9, and Andre,   now they switched to indoor activities  indoor because we have to protect  sightseeing, and simple DIY projects.
 spending five years in Singapore, recalls. “I literally han-  aged 6, stayed at home when the country was under lock-  such as playing with building blocks  ourselves and others.”  But all these activities and their art
 dled the baby and Enzo 24/7 with no breaks during the   down from March to May this year.  classes have been cancelled due to the
 lockdown,” she says.  “They used electronic devices indeed more often when   pandemic.
 Schools were shut down from March till June in Singa-  staying home all day,” Wang says. Apart from having online   “They ask if they can watch Disney
 pore in 2020 when the country was under lockdown. Enzo,                     cartoons more often,” Lin says. Her
 Kuo’s 2-year-old son had to stay at home, as his kindergar-                 children used to watch television for
 ten closed.    “                                                            10 to 20 minutes a day. But they now
 When staying indoor for so                                                  spend more time on television as they
 Longer Screen Time under Lockdown                                           have to stay home most of the time
 “Enzo watched television for roughly one hour [every   long, it was hard to keep my   and avoid going out to reduce the risk
 day] during the lockdown,” Kuo recalls.                                     of infection.
 The kindergarten pupil used to only watch 15 minutes   son away from the electronic   “When the kids watch cartoons, I
 television every day and do outdoor activities such as pic-                 can take the chance to relax a bit,” Lin
 nicking and playing at parks. The family also took him to   devices.        says. As working parents, Lin and her
 the zoos and aquariums on weekends before the pandemic.                     husband, an engineer, have become
 The toddler’s television time jumped four times after the                   much busier juggling between family
 world has been affected by the pandemic. His mind some-  Lin u sed to take her children ou t f or fu n qu i te o ften bef ore the pandemic. (Photo   and their work, as their children stay
       Lin used to take her children out for fun quite often before the pandemic. (Photo
                                 rtesy o
                                       f Lin Tien
 times went blank after watching television for an hour. “He   ”  Courtesy of Lin Tien-yu)  home all the time. They cannot let the
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