Page 54 - Varsity Special Issue
P. 54

52 / Our Community                                                                                                                                                                                                     / 53

                                                                                encourged my children to play basket-                                                                          “
                                                                                ball and clean the yard at home,” she
                                                                                says.                                                                         Children tend to get emotionally unstable
                                                                                  Similarly, Lin tries to shift her
                                                                                children’s attention away from the                                                 when stimulated by digital content.
                                                                                cartoons. She purchased teaching
                                                                                packages for her children to make
                                                                                homemade soap, build blocks, and as-                                                                           ”
                                                                                semble magnetic building toys.
                                                                                                                                   Dr. Cecilia Lam
                                                                                                                                   Dr. Cecilia Lam
                                                                                      Cut Down Screen Time                dren. “On the positive side, children  tions, like learning the social cues and  ally unstable when stimulated by digi-
                                                                                  Cecilia Lam Wing-chi, the profes-       are more comfortable with learning in  social positions,” Lam says.  Socializ-  tal content,” she adds.
                                                                                sional  consultant  of the  Department    the virtual classrooms,” she says.   ing is an important part of children
                                                                                of Educational Psychology at the Chi-        “Since teachers now are making ef-  development, when children learn
                                                                                nese University of Hong Kong, says        forts to make online lessons more in-  how to form friendships and interact
                                                                                it is “unavoidable” for children to use   teractive and engaging, children have  with others.
                                                                                electronic devices during the pan-        fun in learning too,” Lam says. “For   “Long  period  of  exposure  to
                                                                                demic. “Parents should try to mini-       kids who are shy, they feel more com-  screens is bad for their eye sight,” Lam
                                                                                mize their screen time,” she says. Lam    fortable to speak up,” she adds.   says. “It provides too much stimula-
                                                                                suggests 30 minutes per time for pri-        “On the other hand, online lessons  tion to children’s physical and mental     Edited by Emilie Lui
                                                                                                                                                                                                            Edited by Emilie Lui
                                                                                mary school children, and 15 minutes      deprive children of social interac-  health. Children tend to get emotion-  Sub-edited by Howard Li
                                                                                                                                                                                                      Sub-edited by Howar
                                                                                                                                                                                                                              d Li
                                                                                for preschoolers.
                                                                                  Lam thinks that parents should ar-
                                                                                range engaging games and activities
                                                                                as alternatives. Toys sets such as Lego,
                                                                                arts and crafts, readings, and family
                                                                                board games are recommended. “For
                                                                                preschoolers, hands-on toys are more
                                                                                suitable for them,” she says. “Parents
                                                                                are encouraged to create toys corners
                                                                                for preschoolers to get them fully en-
                                                                                  Lam points out that e-learning has
                                                                                positive and negative effects on chil-
          Enzo was making chalk pain ts o n the balc o n y during the l ock do wn in Singapore.
          Enzo was making chalk paints on the balcony during the lockdown in Singapore.
                               ( Photo Courtesy o f K yra Ku o )
                               (Photo Courtesy of Kyra Kuo)
        childrens  visit  their  grandparents  as   In Search for Solutions                    “
        usual to prevent infection. And that   To reduce screen time for children,     Parents are
        deprives the couple of their time to  parents try hard to think of alternative
        rest. “Their grandparents used to look  activities for their kids. Kuo let Enzo   encouraged to
        after the kids at their place on Satur-  make chalk paints on the balcony. The
        day afternoon, so my husband and I  toddler also used boxes to build a 3D   create toys corners
        could rest or go shopping,” Lin says.  parking garage with his father. “Enzo
           Lin lets her children watch more  sometimes joined me in cooking din-  for preschoolers to
        cartoon. “But I find the children re-  ner and bathing his baby brother. This
        ally are addicted to watching TV,” Lin  allowed me to keep him company           get them
        says. “They ask for more cartoons and  when doing the chores,” Kuo says.     fully engaged.
        become emotionally unstable. They  Wang tried reading books and play-
        will throw a tantrum and it is difficult  ing board games more with her chil-
        to communicate with them when they  dren to reduce their use of electronic
                                                                                                                           Kuo manages HalfBloodLittlePrince on Facebook and Instagram to share her daily
        cry and act naughty,” Linn adds.    devices during the lockdown. “I also               ”                           Ku o manages HalfBl oodLi ttlePrince o n F acebook and Instagram to share her dail y
                                                                                                                                                                         yra Ku
                                                                                                                                             th the famil
                                                                                                                                        life wi
                                                                                                                                        life with the family. (Photo Courtesy of Kyra Kuo)
                                                                                                                                                                       f K
                                                                                                                                                        . (Photo Courtesy o
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