Page 56 - Varsity Special Issue
P. 56

54 / Our Community                                                                                                                                                                                                     / 55


                                                                                                                                                                                    P     andemic

                                                                                                                                                               How is the city fighting against single-use plastics
                                                                                                                                                                                                           amid COVID-19?

                                                                                                                                                                                 By Kassandra Lai & Fiona Cheung

               student in a traditional blue  21 per cent of municipal solid waste   People carrying takeaway food in     been eased and reintroduced for a few  ers.                            pany, The Loops, collects plastics di-
               cheongsam waited in a long  with a daily disposal quantity of 2,343  several plastic containers, however,   times since then. As of September 30,   “I feel alone and not supported be-  rectly from customers’ residences and
        A queue in front of a restau-       tonnes per day. Almost nine per cent  has become a common scene in Hong       the number of customers at any cater-  cause none of my schoolmates does  sorts wastes collected before giving
        rant. While other students returned  of them were plastic or polyfoam-din-  Kong under COVID-19.                  ing premises must not exceed half of  the same and some restaurants don’t  them to recycling factories. 
        to school with their lunch packed in  ing wares.                          As confirmed cases of coronavirus       the normal seating capacity and no  understand or feel annoyed,” Cheung   Wong also sees a drastic increase
        white styrofoam boxes, she handed      It takes 500 years for plastics in  surged in March, the government an-    more  than  four  persons  can  sit  to-  says.                        in plastic use from his customers.
        out her lunchbox after ordering her  landfill sites to decompose, according  nounced its first dining restriction on   gether at one table.                                              “We see plastic use jump by 50 per
        takeaway. The waitress looked hesi-  to the Friends of the Earth.       March 27, and the regulations have           With uncertainty of the pandemic        Seeking Alternatives        cent when dining in restaurants was
        tant while reaching for the container.                                                                            and changes  in  dine-in  restrictions,   Noticing the severity of the plastic   banned all day,” he says.
           Emily  Cheung  Yee-kwan,  an                                      “                                            many restaurants have rolled out take-  waste problem, businesses in Hong   As of September, The Loops have
        18-year-old student, was one of the                                                                               away or food delivery services. Over   Kong seek solutions to tackle the is-  hundreds of customers in Tseung
        only few in her school to do so.                So I bring my containers as                                       the past few months, Foodpanda, a   sue. Jorch Wong Ching-hei, founder   Kwan O, the only district in which
           “I was taught to avoid using dis-  I feel uncomfortable and guilty knowing                                     mobile food delivery marketplace, has   of a recycling business started in late   the company is operating. “Up to now
                                                                             e a
                                                                                    d g
                                                     l u
                                              I f
        posable plastics,” says Cheung. “So I                                                                             also observed an uplift in demand or-  2019, sees a loophole in Hong Kong   (late  September), we  have recycled
        bring my containers as I feel uncom-   that single-use plastic ones are going to                                  der by 50 per cent in Hong Kong on   recycling chain: unreliable recycling   about 1.5 tonnes of plastics and we are
        fortable and guilty knowing that sin-                                                                             the overall platform, including both   bins.                           seeing an increasing trend,” he says.
        gle-use plastic ones are going to end        end up in the landfill for years.                                    food and grocery delivery services.   “Most Hong Kong people don’t     The company hopes to extend its ser-
        up in the landfill for years.”                                                                                       The health crisis seems to have de-  know what is recyclable so they put   vice into other districts in the future.
           According to the data from the                                                                                 railed  effort against plastic waste re-  everything in it, including diapers and   Recycling aside, some restaurants
        Environmental  Protection  Depart-                                                                                duction and left many in frustrations,   masks,” he says. To prevent the recy-  try to eliminate plastic waste source
        ment in 2018,  plastics constituted                                  ”                                            as few are bringing their own contain-  cling from going to waste, his com-  by finding alternatives to replace plas-
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