Page 44 - 151 Varsity Ebook
P. 44


                                                                             they face many different barriers – not
                                                                             just from society but also from the LGBT
                                                                             community itself, as minority groups are
                                                                             often marginalised within the commu-
                                                                                Yiu says it is not just the LGBT teens
                                                                             who need counselling service, but also
                                                                             their parents, who very often either
                                                                             know nothing about LGBT or perceive it
                                                                             negatively. “Many would think it’s good
                                                                             enough to have the courage to come out
                                                                             to their parents. But in fact, it may be the
                                                                             start of suffering for the parents, and the
                                                                             children seldom know how to help their
                                                                             parents,” he says. Yiu also says the most
                   Yiu participating in a parade in Pink Dot Hong Kong 2014  challenging part of his job is to provide
                               Photo courtesy of Rex Yiu
                                                                             support to people living with HIV or
                                                                             drug abuse problems, especially with the
                                                                             stereotypical views in society.
                                                                                Yiu now switches from frontline
                                                                             work to an administrative position, as
                                                                             he hopes to take a break after working in
                                                                             the field for a decade. “When you make
                                                                             great effort to do your work, it actually
                                                                             consumes lots of your energy,” he says.
                                                                                Two years ago, the social worker mar-
                                                                             ried his partner in Denmark after being
                                                                             together for nine years. It was not easy
                                                                             – it was only shortly before his marriage
                                                                             that he completely came out to his whole
                                                                             family – the last one in the family to learn
                                                                             the news was his 90-year-old father. He
                                                                             originally planned to keep his father in
                                                                             the dark, but Yiu changed his mind.
                                                                                “If I did not tell my father [about
                                                                             my sexuality] before getting married, I
                                                                             wouldn’t tell him for the rest of my life,”
                                                                             Yiu says. After Yiu came out, the father
                                                                             and son had a lengthy talk about sexu-
                                                                             ality, marriage and even child adoption.
                                                                             Everything was more peaceful than Yiu
                                                                             thought, and he felt relieved.
                                                                                Speaking of his future plans, Yiu says
                                                                             he might go back to the frontline in the
                                                                             future. He hopes the LGBT community
                                                                             one day will be treated equally. “I believe
                                                                             society can be more inclusive,” he says.

                                                                                      Edited by Tommy Yuen
                         Yiu giving a speech in his farewell party
                               Photo courtesy of Rex Yiu
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