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                                                 o fancy outfit. No heavy make  graduating from the Chinese Univer-
                                                 up. She looks plain. Yet, she  sity of Hong Kong with a bachelor de-
                                         Nfills a whole lecture hall with  gree in journalism.
                                         laughter and applauses when she tells   As a child, Ng’s dream has nothing
                                         her wonderful stories on stage.     to do with stand-up comedy. Rather,
                                            Ng  Ting-ting,  36,  also known as  being a journalist had been her life
                                         Mary, is a local full-time stand-up  goal for years. It all started from an
                                         comedian. Since last year, she has  episode of a documentary produced
                                         been  performing regularly at  differ-  by RTHK about Lee Kuan Yew, the
                                         ent places outside Hong Kong such as  first Prime Minister of Singapore. It
                                         Australia and Malaysia. She also or-  inspires  Ng  to  become  a  journalist,
                                         ganises her own talk shows and runs a  who produces meaningful documen-
                                         stand-up comedy class for kids known  taries to make a positive influence in
                                         as “Not Only for Adults”.           society.
                                            But before Ng devotes her career to   “I  don’t mean to  do something
                                         stand-up comedy, she had worked as a  great [with the documentaries], but
                                         journalist for 10 years in local media,  when I was young, I am the type of
                                         including i-Cable and RTHK, after  person who insists on fighting against
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