Page 46 - 151 Varsity Ebook
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             he is now regarded as one of the  industry. Her passion for film has in-  body can enjoy. It appeals to not only
             best cultural journalists in Hong  spired her to become a cultural jour-  a small group of people but also the
        SKong. Her bylines can be seen in  nalist. “I have always been interested  general public.”
        big name media outlets such as BBC,  in arts throughout my teenage years. I   She believes her job is more than
        Variety, Quartz and the South China  love performing. I love cinema. I love  just a journalist. She tries to bring her
        Morning Post (SCMP).                painting. I used to paint,” she says.   stories alive and conveys the message
           The humble  journalist, Vivienne    Writing stories about film and en-  of arts to her readers with the hope
        Chow recalls she was not an outstand-  tertainment  is  a  perfect  job  for  her.  that these creative minds can inspire
        ing student when studying journal-  She was an intern at the Hong Kong  others.
        ism at the Chinese University of Hong  Standard during her final year in col-    Chow’s job takes her to explore
        Kong. She never thought of becoming  lege. She started her career as a junior  different  parts  of  the  world  such  as
        a journalist.  “I always wanted to be a  writer at SCMP after graduation.  Europe and South America where she
        film director, so initially I chose film   During her 15 years at the SCMP,  gets to see and experience different
        school,” she says.                  she went to countless film screenings  kinds of art forms and cultures. “Arts
             Like most typical Hong Kong  and interviewed famous artists and  and culture are international languag-
        parents, her mother worried about  filmmakers including Tony Leung  es and they always bring you a differ-
        her future career. She signed up for  Chiu-wai and Wong Kar-wai. She en-  ent dimension,” she says.
        CUHK journalism school which also  joys meeting interesting people when     When asked about the most
        offered television production and film  covering stories.               memorable  interview  she  has done
        studies courses instead of majoring in   When most people think culture  so far, she cites the one with Wong
        film.                               is quite distant to the daily life of or-  Kar-Wai. “He is a mystery. He always
           Yet Chow has never forgotten her  dinary citizens, Chow argues: “Actu-  wears his sunglasses so you can’t see
        dream to pursue a career in the film  ally it’s not. It’s something that every-  his eyes. You don’t know what he is

                 Arts and culture are international languages
              and they always bring you a different dimension

                                             Chow with Cultural Journalism Campus participants at Art Basel in Hong Kong 2018
                                                                                     Photo courtesy of Vivienne Chow
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