Page 50 - 151 Varsity Ebook
P. 50


                                                        Ng performs at a stand-up comedy show at Green House (Hong Kong)
                                                                                        Photo courtesy of Ng Ting-ting

       injustice that I come across in society,”  comedies, I can present them in a hilar-  sponses were quite funny to me,” she
       Ng says.                            ious way, and I think it’s cool,” she says.  recalls.
          Her dream of being a journalist  Since then, performing stand-up com-    Whenever something terrible hap-
       came true after her university gradua-  edies has become Ng’s major hobby.  pens, Ng’s first reaction is to write it
       tion. But her journalism career did not   In Ng’s eyes, stand-up comedy and  down as a source for her jokes and to
       go smoothly as she thought. She calls  journalism have something in com-  understand it in a funny way, instead
       herself too “idealistic” – believing that  mon – journalism requires careful ob-  of indulging herself in depressing feel-
       journalists should speak out against in-  servation, so does stand-up comedy as  ings.  She  was  furious  about  the  inci-
       justice, but the reality is different from  jokes originate from life experiences.  dent of the disappearance of Causeway
       her thoughts.                       One of her performances is about the  Bay  Bookstore’s  booksellers  back  in
          Disappointed by the bureaucracy  secrets  in  a local  girls’ school,  where  2016, but now she has decided to adopt
       and tedious procedures, she gave up  she spent her whole secondary school  another attitude towards the issue.
       her job. “If you like steak very much,  life. The performance went viral on-  “I still believe the issue is unreason-
       you’ll be delighted when you can have it  line with more than 300,000 views. It  able, but  in a  hilarious  instead of  an
       sometimes. But when you have it every  illustrates how she has turned her life  angry tone. I still hope to change these
       day, it will gradually become not tasty  experiences into intriguing stand-up  unreasonable things, but I’m more re-
       anymore,” she says. Instead of being a  comedies.                        laxed towards them now,” Ng says.
       journalist, now she finds more satisfac-  Doing stand-up comedies also      But it is not easy to work as a full-
       tion in performing stand-up comedies.  brightens Ng up by changing her atti-  time stand-up comedian. Ng thinks
          Ng first got in touch with stand-up  tude towards life. When she first met  most Hongkongers have little or no
       comedy when her friends invited her  other fellow stand-up comedians, she  knowledge about the culture of stand-
       to join a workshop held by Vivek Mah-  was amazed by the way how they re-  up comedies which directly affects
       bubani, a local stand-up comedian. The  spond to different issues. “When I first  her income. “People have the habit of
       encounter had a significant impact on  talked to them about the absurdity of  searching for what to do or which films
       her.                                politics, they would reply me with an  to watch on weekends, but seldom will
          “When you are doing news, it’s im-  interesting angle. In fact, they did not  they look for stand-up comedy shows,”
       possible to add your own emotions or  follow the news closely and were sim-  she says.
       put it in a funny way. But for stand-up  ply speaking nonsense, but their re-  Still, Ng believes her career will have
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