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      China Podcast:

      Where are we? Where

      to go?

      While 2020 was marked as a banner year for China Podcast, the industry re-
      mains niche and faces heavier censorship.

      By Ryan Li in Shanghai

               hen Shawn Gong initiated  January 2021.                       and went on to discuss self-identity of
               his programme Liqi X Pod-    “Podcasts have drawn much atten-  Asian Americans.
     Wcast (利器X播客) in January  tion in 2020, and I would like to have            As a member of “Generation Z”
      2019, his goal was to find out how  my own show at the beginning of a  herself, the 24-year-old  lady wants
      Chinese podcasters produce their se-  new year,” Chen says.            to do something new in the podcast
      ries and to provide practical informa-                                 market. “I’ve always wanted to be a
      tion for beginners in this field.                                      critic  discussing  internet  phenom-
        Having interviewed around ten                                        enon from a youngster’s perspective,”
      independent podcasters in China, he                                    Chen says.
      found that it is easy to join but diffi-                                   The podcast industry in China
      cult to stay in the industry.                                          witnessed a boom in the last three
        Gong says podcasters have to de-                                     quarters of 2020, with thousands of
      cide what to talk about and whom to                                    newcomers like Chen  joining the
      talk with when preparing for an epi-                                   field. According to ListenNotes,  a
      sode. Discussion outlines have to be                                   podcast search engine and database,
      written and communicated with guest                                    6,539 new Chinese podcast players
      speakers in advance.                                                   joined the market during this period.
        “It seems easy to simply talk in                                        Podcast is nothing new to China.
      podcasts, but it takes great effort to                                 Podcast  programmes  such as  Anti-
      produce inspiring contents,” Gong                                      wave (反波), in which the hosts exam-
      says.                                                                  ined Chinese media in a critical way,
                                           First episode of Chen Caiwei’s    can be traced back to 2005. But it took
                2020 Boom                            podcast.                a long time to build an audience.
        Chen Caiwei is a bilingual reporter
      and a former English podcast pro-     Her first episode was about YouTu-     Play With the Rules
      ducer  based  in  Beijing  who used to  ber Uncle Roger, a Malaysian Ameri-  While 2020 was marked as a ban-
      produce works for other programmes.  can famous for criticising westerners   ner year for China podcast, podcast-
      She decided to start her own show in  for wrongly cooking egg-fried rice,   ers are wary of censorship as popular-
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