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                                                                                  But  Cheung  noted  that while  the
               Many netizens bought artworks in                                 online mode boosts flexibility, it is
                                                                                hardly sustainable or scalable.
              support of the artists, but not in ap-                              “As there is no cost for sharing or

              preciation of their works. So artists                             liking, netizens are more willing to
                                                                                like or share than buying their works,”
                cannot secure continuous income                                 Cheung says.
                                                                                  “Many netizens bought artworks
                        from online platforms.                                  to support the artists, but not in ap-
                                                                                preciation of their works. So artists
                                                                                cannot secure continuous income
                                                                                from online platforms,” she explains.
                                                                                  Cheung suggests that artists im-
                                                                                prove administrative and executive
                                                                                skills, such as writing themselves an
                                                                                attractive bibliography. She points out
                                                                                while most foreign artists have a bib-
                                                                                liography, only around 10 per cent of
                                                                                local, non-commercial artists that she
                                                                                knows has one.

                                                                                       A Poor Substitute
                                                                                  While both artists and art organi-
                                                                                sations actively adapt to the virtual
                                                                                realm,  Teresa  Kwong Pui-see, Pro-
                                                                                gramme Director at Hong Kong Arts
                                                                                Centre, says online mode cannot re-
                                                                                place  physical  events  for  artistic  ex-
           Art in the Field, a local non-profit art organisation, launched      changes.
                    the Takeaway Art project in December 2020.                    Kwong was initially surprised by
                         (Photo courtesy of Art in the Field)                   audiences’ active participation dur-
                                                                                ing the first online workshop under
        bitions and networking events, art or-  are many uncertainties with art takea-  the Cultural Masseurs Programme in
        ganisations also innovate by pushing   way, such as the content and venue,”  November 2020, as physical ones were
        for digital transformation of art sales.  he says.                      cancelled under the pandemic.
           ‘Art in the Field’, a local non-profit   Although more preparation is   The  programme  was  designed  to
        art organisation, launched a Takeaway   needed, he hopes that Takeaway Art  bring art into lives via guided tours,
        Art project in December 2020.       can attract artists to employ different  talks, workshops, internship and ap-
           “Shutdown of venues made us re-  art mediums.                        prenticeship, as well as the process of
        think the possibility of art under the   Apart from hosting art events on-  art-making.
        pandemic,” Roy Wong Chung-him,      line, May Cheung Yuet-ming, chair-    “Since audiences now cannot reach
        programme coordinator of Art in the   man of Innovative Media Art Associa-  out to others physically, they have
        Field, says.                        tion, says many local artists put their  a strong desire to collaborate, com-
           Under the project, the team pro-  works up for sale on online platforms.  municate and express themselves,”
        vides administrative service while art-  Online sales of artworks world-  Kwong says. “So when opportunities
        ists arrange transactions with buyers   wide accounted for 37 per cent of total  for group work come, they are very
        by themselves.                      sales in the first half of 2020, a huge  keen to show great willingness in par-
           “We used to work in physical ven-  jump from 10 per cent in 2019, ac-  ticipating,” she adds.
        ues that are more controllable and   cording  to  a  report  co-published  by   Kwong later finds that online
        familiar  to  us,”  Wong  recalls.  “There   UBS and Art Basel.         workshops are not an ideal substitute
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