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          teven Wong Chun-hei, who used
          to do frequent outdoor sketch-
     Sing, can only paint virtual scen-
     ery at home now as pandemic wears
        The 34-year-old landscape artist
     has started  “travelling” and painting
     with Google Earth since March 2020.
     He shares his works with his 2,255 fol-
     lowers on Facebook.
        Wong has “travelled” to many
     places, such as Salisbury Cathedral in
     England, which he visited before, and
     Merry Cemetery in Romania. Wong
     also takes virtual tours to some des-
     tinations he never thought he could
     visit in real life, such as unreachable
     sites around Mount Fuji.
        Other than painting alone, Wong
     occasionally invites  friends  and fol-   Individuals taking on the “Google Earth Sketching Challenge” are
     lowers to join his virtual trips by ini-            required to paint sceneries on screen.

                                                                             tiating the “Google Earth Sketching
                                                                                 In the challenge, he tags friends
                                                                             under each of his virtual scenery
                                                                             paintings and provides them with a
                                                                             GPS coordinate that refers to a spe-
                                                                             cific place. Individuals taking on the
                                                                             challenge are required to paint the
                                                                             scenery on screen. Participants in-
                                                                             clude Wong’s social media followers,
                                                                             as well as famous local artists Chow
                                                                             Chun-fai and Yeung Hok-tak.
                                                                                  “I  am  surprised  that  artists  who
                                                                             have  not  been  tagged  by  me  on  Fa-
                                                                             cebook still voluntarily join the ‘chal-
                                                                             lenge’,” Wong says. “Although all art-
                                                                             ists I tagged previously accepted the
                                                                             invitation, there is no large circula-
                                                                             tion, as it takes time to finish a piece,”
                                                                             Wong adds.
                                                                                “Though I enjoy sketching with
                                                                             Google Earth, I still prefer doing out-
                                                                             door sketching. But for the moment, it
                                                                             is the best alternative I have, ” he says.

                                                                             Innovating under the Pandemic
       Wong Chun-hei virtually travelled to Mount Fuji in August 2020.          As fears of COVID-19 infection
                      (Photo courtesy of Wong Chun-hei)                      keep buyers away from galleries, exhi-
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