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        ity of the medium grows.            male media practitioners discuss so-   The answer is no. But it does not
           Qi Zhenyu started The Unemploy-  cial issues from a feminist perspective  mean that nothing can be done.
        able (無業游民) with several friends  is one example.                          “Sometimes playing with the rules
        in 2018. He came to Hong Kong in       The show was permanently sus-    is  like  writing  an  essay  with  an  as-
        2010 for graduate study, and worked  pended in February 2020 after one  signed topic, and this is exactly what
        as a journalist for various local media  of its episodes criticised government  most current Chinese podcasters,
        for 6 years, including covering Chi-  policies, such as shutting down Wu-  who are also former professional me-
        nese politics for The Initium, a Hong  han city during the outbreak of COV-  dia practitioners, are good at,” Qi says.
        Kong-based online media outlet.     ID-19, as improper. Its Weibo and     The three podcasters of  Surplus
           Since all media outlets Qi worked  Alipay accounts were also shut down.  Value, after the programme was per-
        for are blocked in mainland China,     “Are there any podcasts covering  manently shut down, established a
        Mainland Chinese without Virtual  controversial political issues? Have  new podcast Stochastic Volatility (隨機
        Private Network (VPN) cannot read  any of them discussed the flood that   波動) in March 2020, using the same
        stories he produced. Through pod-   happened in Southern China during  initials in English, covering similar
        cast, Qi wants to reach to those inside  July and August?” Qi asks.     topics.

                                 The 51th episode of Surplus Value is now unavailable.

        the Great Firewall of China.
            But it is not easy. As a former Chi-
        nese politics observer, he knows well
        that not a single field in China can go
        beyond government’s control. Podcast         Are there any podcasts covering
        is no exception.                          controversial political issues? Have
            “I am not optimistic that Chinese
        podcasts could broaden the bounda-           any of them discussed the flood
        ries of public discussion by a large
        margin,” he adds.                          that happened in Southern China
           There is growing evidence that
        podcasts aiming at discussion of poli-             during July and August?
        tics are under increasing pressure in
        China. Podcast programme  Surplus
        Value (剩餘價值), in which three fe-
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