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                    Cultural Masseurs held various art workshops via Zoom and Facebook to
                                     boost cross-disciplinary online learning.
                             (Photo courtesy of official website of Cultural Masseurs)

      for physical interaction. “We really want to have a chit-chat
      salon in which guests and artists can mingle. But physical
      networking events are suspended up until today,” Kwong     The sense of reality was
        The Hong Kong government relaxed temporary ban on       absent, so I did not want
      some businesses on February 18, allowing the re-opening   to continue watching the
      of cinemas, performance venues and museums. But Cul-
      tural Masseurs will still hold their workshops online for      online exhibition.
      February and March.
        Art  lover,  Ray  Chan  Chak,  shares  Kwong’s  view. He
      finds virtual art experiences unpleasant.
        Chan joined the online PolyU Design Degree Show last
      year, and quit just after 10 minutes of viewing.
         “My eyes felt uncomfortable,” Chan recalls. “The sense
      of reality was absent, so I did not want to continue watch-
      ing the online exhibition,” he explains.
        “I find physical interaction important in artistic ac-
      tivities. As the interaction allows audiences to feel artists’
      emotions and thoughts more intimately,” Chan adds.
                                                                            Edited by Savoki Zhang
                                                                            Edited by Savoki Zhang
                                                                        Sub-edited by Sarah Ryou
                                                                        Sub-edited by Sarah Ryou
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