Page 22 - 152 Varsity Ebook
P. 22


   Sales assistants serving customers in a jewellery shop

        with three to four before. Sometimes  way to improve the high turnover rate  hours, retail workers should be al-
        when a customer hails a waiter, the  of the retail industry.            lowed  to  rest  for  ten  to  fifteen  min-
        waiter might be busy serving others,”   Tsoi also says employers should  utes. Or they should be given chairs
        he says.                            step up effort to improve working con-  to sit for a while,” says Tsoi. “The gov-
           Hong Kong is infamous for long  ditions in the retail industry. He says  ernment should legislate to make it
        working hours and that could be an-  arranging resting time for employees  mandatory for employers to let work-
        other reason behind poor customer  is particularly important to let them  ers take a rest after working for two to
        service in the city. Tsoi says some  recharge themselves. In 2003, the La-  three hours.”
        workers  in  the  service  industry  may  bour Department issued a guideline   Tsoi adds that shoppers, especially
        have to work 12 hours a day, from 10  encouraging employers to make suit-  tourists, have a higher expectation of
        a.m. to 11p.m., without any break.  able rest break arrangement with their  service quality nowadays. They do
        “The working hour is long, and it  employees through negotiation. But  research about products they want
        requires workers to stand for a long  Tsoi says it is far from enough, as the  to purchase and ask for information
        time. These affect workers’ attitude  guideline is not mandatory.       from shop assistants. He reminds em-
        and performance,” he says.             “After standing for two or three  ployers to deploy more resources to
           Tsoi says sales assistants at shops
        or boutiques in tourist areas are prone
        to long working hours, making it even
        more difficult for employers to recruit
        and retain talents.
           “Working in the retail industry
        means low wage and heavy workload.
        Employees are put under enormous
        pressure... Young people cannot stand
        it, so fewer people are willing to join
        this industry,” Tsoi says.

            Help Hong Kong smile again
           In a bid to recruit more new blood,
        Tsoi says shop owners should consid-
        er giving workers a pay rise. He says   A shop accredited by the Quality Tourism Services Scheme under the Hong Kong
        a wage increase is the most effective                                                        Tourism Board
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