Page 23 - 152 Varsity Ebook
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            The government should offer more support to employees in

             the retail industry to upgrade their skills and equip them

                             with more knowledge about the trade

                                         offer training for their employees.   acquiring new knowledge about their
                                            “When employees were new to a  work.
                                         company, the company used to teach     “The  government  should  offer
                                         them skills about how to treat cus-  more support to employees in the
                                         tomers, how to smile, and how to  retail industry to upgrade their skills
                                         deal with customers’ complaints...This  and equip them with more knowledge
                                         kind of training is quite rare now,” he  about the trade. If they have no time
                                         says.                               to learn, it’s not good for the future
                      Cheung Lai-ha         Cheung Lai-ha, General Secretary  development of the industry and their
                                         of the Retail, Commerce and Clothing  own development,” she says.
                                         Industries General Union, says retail
                                         workers should be given more time
                                         and resources to enrich themselves by         Edited by Iris Yeung
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