Page 26 - 152 Varsity Ebook
P. 26


         Adelaide Ho (left) & Christina Ho (right)
              Nuisance in Tung Chung
              ong queue for tables in restau-
              rants, crowds, trash, and influx
        Lof  tourists,  are  upsetting  the
        quiet and cozy Tung Chung. Tourists
        have flooded the distant town recently
        and many residents are annoyed and
           Christina Ho, a Tung Chung resi-
        dent, complains the influx of tourists
        has  caused  disturbance  to  her  daily
        life. “We have to endure much longer
        queueing time for restaurants,” she
        says. “Worse still, there is rubbish eve-  Tung Chung’s Citygate Outlets Mall is packed with tourists after the opening of Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macao Bridge in 2018
        rywhere,” her sister Adelaide Ho adds.
           Hong Kong is one of the most pop-  requiring tour agencies and group or-  chain stores and outlets inside Tung
        ular travel destinations in the world. In  ganisers to purchase shuttle bus tick-  Chung’s shopping malls, which trans-
        the past five years, the city of 7.5 mil-  ets through a pre-booking system to  form the residential zone into a shop-
        lion residents has received an annual  regulate traffic flow on specific days.  ping attraction. “The residents will
        average of 60 million visitors, with a   Lau Wing-yin, chairman of Tung  not be that disgruntled if the govern-
        record-high of 65 million in 2018, ac-  Chung Concern Group, says police’s  ment encourages more small shop
        cording to the Tourism Board.       scrutiny on tourists’ activities has  tenants to set foot in the district to
           Despite  the enormous  economic  improved after resi-                serve residents’ needs,” says Lau.
        benefits brought to the city, nuisance  dents’ protests were              Lau  suggests the government
        caused by tourists has become a head-  widely reported in                sets a daily quota on the number of
        ache for residents. Conflicts between  the media. “Police                cross-border coaches  to put  a halt
        residents and tourists arose in Tung  check tour guides’                 on the influx of tourists and advise
        Chung after the opening of Hong  identity cards and                      the mainland authorities and travel
        Kong-Zhuhai-Macao Bridge last year,  licence  whenever                  agencies to remind tourists to behave
        which  attracted hundreds  of flag-  they suspect unau-                 themselves.
        wielding one-day tour groups flocking  thorised tour guides.”   Lau Wing-yin
        to Tung Chung, the closest residential  But Lau says the new               To Kwa Wan – hell’s kitchen
        zone to the port facility.          measure which only cracks down        Similar problems are also observed
           Mainland tourists who came by  mainland tourist groups that are sus-  in To Kwa Wan where crowds of tour-
        public transport swarmed into the  pected of  violating  regulations only  ists flood into the district every day.
        town and caused disturbance, leading  brings them temporary peace. No  Although the district is not a major
        to a series of protests.            prosecution has been made so far.   tourist and dining attraction, half of
           In the wake of the situation, the   Lau believes poor town planning  the city’s registered souvenir shops are
        Transport Department introduced a  should be partly blamed for the resi-  located in the residential areas  and
        new measure in November last year,  dents’ discontent, as there are mostly  more restaurants are opening their
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