Page 47 - 152 Varsity Ebook
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                                         School policy regarding admission and application for exchange programmes is one of
                                         the hot topics mainland parents discuss in chat groups

                                         20 years. Most of their children were   should not be like these. Parents can
                                         born under the mainland’s one-child   contact one another, but they should
                                         policy.                             just share how their children are do-
                                            Parents also make use of these chat   ing, or chat with others when they feel
                                         groups  to  “check  on”  their  children.   lonely,” says Jack.
                                         For example, some parents post group
                                         pictures of students took in orienta-    Faces behind chat groups
                                         tion camps. When other parents rec-    Zhu Xin, established a CUHK
                                         ognize their own children in these   parent chat group (香港中文大學內
     to keep their fingers on the pulse of  pictures, they will start talking about   地家長群) on WeChat with another
     what is going on in Hong Kong, infor-  their children who joined the same   parent in 2013. Its
     mation about the latest programmes,  event in the chat group.           original  inten-
     exchange and internship opportuni-     A Hong Kong University of Sci-   tion was shar-
     ties.  These  parents  then  share  such  ence and Technology student, who   ing experiences
     information with their children. They  reveals his name as Jack, complains   of getting a
     also seek comfort from each other  these parents’ chat groups go be-    student   visa
     in the chat group, as they all have to  yond their original purposes of shar-  since the appli-
     bear separation from their children  ing  school  information.  “These  chat   cation  procedure
     who lived under their care for nearly  groups can exist but the content   was complicated. Lit-  Zhu Xin

                                  Sources: CUHK parent chat group (香港中文大學內地家長群)
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