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            n impulsive thought to take a  find a driver. She also faces opposi-
            stray cat back home becomes  tions from villagers. “Some villagers
     Athe first step of her life as a cat  might be unfriendly to cat rescuers   When you love
      rescuer. Lisa Olausen’s house is a shel-  and forbid them from capturing stray
      ter for stray cats waiting for adoption.  cats,” she says. Despite the difficulties,   the cats, you just
      Over 2,000 homeless kittens have  she still enjoys her work.
      stayed at her home temporarily for the                                       have to do it
      past 16 years.                             Love and struggle
        Now a full-time individual cat res-  Olausen sees cats as an important
      cue volunteer, her life has changed  existence in her life. She sees helping  her cat shelter financially. The medical
      since 2003 when she brought the first  cats find new owners as “arranging  expenditure  for  pets  is  high.  “When
      stray cat for neutering. She sold her  marriage for her sons and daughters”.  you love them [the cats], you just have
      beauty parlour business and decided  She hopes these cats can live in a new  to do it,” she says.
      to devote her time to cat rescuing. The  home happily ever after.
      cat was not the first stray animal she   Having rescued stray cats for so      Outside the shelter
      took home. In 2000, when she was still  many years, Olausen says there were   As a cat rescuer, Olausen supports
      working in the construction industry,  moments that she thought of giv-  the idea of establishing animal cops
      she saved a stray dog in a construction  ing up, especially when someone re-  since         she believes
      site.                              turned her the cats she had taken care                     many  ani-
        Olausen does not regard cat res-  of before. There was once an adopter                      mal abuse
      cuing as an achievement. Her belief  who claimed an 11-year-old cat that                      cases are
      is simple – to save cats whenever she  he adopted from her, attacked his                      ignored by
      can.                               new-born baby. The adopter returned                        the police.
                                         the cat to her and she was very disap-                    “Actually,
          Cat rescue takes hard work     pointed. “Sometimes it might be the                       many of my
        To save stray cats, Olausen has to  baby attacking the cat first. The cat
      first catch a targeted cat and bring it  only attacked the baby once!”
      to a vet for body check and neutering.   She is often worried if the
      Then she calls for adoption through  cats she takes home will be
      her Facebook page, which has more  adopted  and  if  the  adopter
      than 10,000 followers. In order to  is irresponsible. Some of
      screen potential adopters, Olausen  the cats that no one wanted
      asks them their family situations and  eventually became her pets.
      living conditions and even arranges     For Olausen, a respon-
      home visits.                       sible cat owner should be
        Olausen is also a volunteer for the  able to protect a cat and
      Cat Colony Care Programme (CCCP)  should not abandon it in
      under the Society for the Prevention  any situation. “You have
      of Cruelty to Animals (SPCA). She  to take care  of
      regularly looks for stray cats in her  it till the end
      neighbourhood and sends them to  of its life once
      the  SPCA  for  further  neutering  op-  you decide to
      erations. She is a supporter of this  raise it,” she
      scheme, as it saves cats instead of eu-  says. She adds
      thanising them.                    that cats need
        Olausen encounters many difficul-  to be educated
      ties during her daily rescuing works,  as  well.  Pamper-
      like suffering from mosquito bites  ing them does not
      in summer and cold in winter. Hav-  mean loving them.
      ing no driving license, every time she   She finds it
      takes a stray cat to a vet, she has to  hard to maintain
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