Page 52 - 152 Varsity Ebook
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                                            adopters are police officers,” she says.   couraging her friends and adopters
                                            “They support this policy too but un-  to work in cats neutering and become
                                            fortunately, they do not have the pow-  volunteers in the CCCP. “It is essential
                                            er to investigate into these cases.”  to start the education from cat popu-
                                               To improve the current animal    lation management and then work in
                                            policies, Olausen thinks giving more   neutering,” she says.
                                            freedom to animal rescue volunteers   Recently, she has started to reduce
                                            is the best solution. “The government   the number of cats she takes home as
                                            does not have to implement any spe-  she is preparing to move to Malaysia
                                            cific measures. It is more than enough   later this year in order to provide her
                                            if officials support our voluntary   family  and  cats  with  a better  living
                                            work,” she says. She adds that it would   environment. Though the culture and
                                            be a win-win situation since the gov-  religious practices may be different,
                                            ernment does  not  need  to bear the   Olausen hopes to continue her cat res-
                                            cost of human resources, while volun-  cue in Malaysia. “Cats are my genuine
                                            teers can protect the animals.      companions. I will not give up easily,”
                                               Speaking of her future plan, Olaus-  she says.
                                            en says she would like to extend her
                                            career further to educating the pub-
                                            lic about animal welfare. She is now
                                            promoting animal protection by en-

                                                                                        Edited by Sam Kwong
                                                                                                 & Valerie Wan

                                                                               A warm and cozy home for Olausen’s cats
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