Page 48 - 152 Varsity Ebook
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        tle did she expect the group would  how unaccustomed your parents are   ten,” says Ma.
        grow to more than 700 people in just  to your absence, considering that you   His daughter Ma Yunxue, a Year
        six years. She is now frustrated about  [the children] have been with us for   One CUHK student, is aware of her
        having too many people in the chat  around 20 years,” says Zhu.         father’s leading role in the chat group.
        group, as it is difficult to manage.                   Ma Renjie is     She says the group can help reassure
           However, she still thinks the chat                 another admin-    her parents that she is doing fine in
        group is beneficial for parents in the                 istrator of the   school, because it is impossible for her
        sense that they can learn what their                   CUHK      par-   to keep in touch with them every day.
        children are doing. “To be frank, this                 ent  chat  group.   “It is necessary for the group to
        group  is  for  us,  parents,  to  console             He says join-    exist…When the parents are anxious
        one another, not to supervise the chil-               ing the group     about something, they can talk and
        dren…And you should think about                     is a channel for    comfort  each  other.
                                                 Ma Renjie  him to express his   Even though it
                                                            care for his daugh-  might not help
                                                   ter  by learning  the updates   solve the prob-
             Parents just want to                  about her school. But he does   lems,  they  can
                                                                                learn what hap-
                                                   not interfere his daughter’s
              know what is going                   school life directly.        pens, and they
                                                                                will  be  less  anx-
                                                      “Parents just want to know
             on in their children’s                what is going on in their chil-  ious,” says Ma.  Ma Yunxue
                      school life                  dren’s school life. My child           Building trust
                                                   can deal with all these things
                                                   by herself…I don’t want to     Dr. Eva Lau Yi-hung, Associ-
                                                   bother my daughter too of-   ate Professor and Associate Head of

        Mainland parents seek advice from each other about exchange programmes for their children
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