Page 49 - 152 Varsity Ebook
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                           Support is good, but too much parental
                        involvement might have a negative impact

                                        on their independence

                                                   the Department of Early   es her daughter to try sorting out eve-
                                                   Childhood Education of    rything relating to her studies herself.
                                                   the Education University     Lau points out family support is
                                                   of  Hong Kong, says  fam-  important for university students. She
                                                   ily  support  continues  to   believes the right
                                                   be a significant factor that   way for parents
                                                   impacts on university stu-  to support their
                                                   dents’ self-esteem, well-  children  is  to
                                                   being and adjustment to   have empathy
                                                   their university life during   for their chil-
                                                   the first year of their study.  dren and com-
                                                     “Support is  good, but   municate  with
                                                   too much parental involve-  them,   rather  Eva Lau Yi-hung
                                                   ment might have a negative   than to completely take over and di-
                                                   impact on their independ-  rectly engage in their lives. And chil-
                                                   ence,” says Lau.          dren need to learn to be independent
                                                     As a mother of two, Lau   and update their parents about their
                                                   reveals she does not engage   school life on a regular basis.
                                                   in her children’s school life   “By sharing more information and
                                                   directly. Though she joins   telling them [the parents] that I’m in-
                                                   a WhatsApp group of her   dependent enough, parents will even-
                                                   elder daughter’s primary   tually learn to let go,” says Lau.
                                                   school  from  which  she
                                                   can get useful information
                                                   such as school system and
                                                   curriculum, she encourag-      Edited by Fangdong Bai

      Regulations of a CUHK parent chat group

      Mainland parents have to undergo strict vetting pro-
      cess before being allowed to join a chat group
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