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10 / Coronavirus Specials

        Pandemic Pushes Chronically

        Ill Patients to Back of Queue

        Chronic disease patients in Wuhan faced severe difficulty receiving treat-
        ment when the city was sealed off due to the coronavirus pandemic. Volun-
        teers lent them a helping hand

        By Savoki Zhang in Jiangsu & Coco Zhang in Shaanxi

                      ithout hemodialysis,
                      death for her is only
        “Wa matter of time,”
        wrote Wang Gongbao in his post on
        Weibo, a Chinese social media plat-
        form, on February 1, 2020, pleading
        for help for his sick sister.
           Wang’s sister, who suffers from
        chronic renal failure, lives in Xian-
        tao, a small city only 100km from
        Wuhan. She was among thousands
        of patients with chronic diseases
        who were in urgent need of life-
        sustaining treatment or medication,
        while nearly all medical resources
        were deployed to contain the coro-
        navirus pandemic.
           “My sister used to receive regular
        hemodialysis at the No.1 People’s
        Hospital of Xiantao before she was
        tested positive for the novel coro-  Visitors are wearing masks in a hospital in Baoij, Shaanxi during the COVID-19
        navirus on January 28,” says Wang.   pandemic.
        “The hospital then refused to offer    Although Wang’s sister was ad-   outbreak sickened over 82,000 and
        her dialysis.”                      mitted to a hospital after being diag-  killed over 3,300 nationwide, mostly
           The 25-year-old and his sister   nosed with coronavirus, she was not  in Hubei Province and its capital,
        had to transfer their files to another   given  timely  treatment  for  chronic  Wuhan, as of March 30. In the epi-
        hospital which is designated to treat   kidney failure. Many other patients  centre  of the  pandemic,  collateral
        febrile patients. “We are under quar-  with chronic illnesses, however,  damage was also devastating. Apart
        antine here, but so far no hemodi-  could not even leave their neighbor-  from a dearth of essential medical
        alysis is arranged either,” he says on   hood for hospitals to receive treat-  treatment, strict lockdowns of cit-
        February 2. “I called the health bu-  ment vital for their survival.    ies as well as traffic bans cut many
        reaus but to no avail.”                The devastating coronavirus  people off from supplies of drugs,
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