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                            Classes on Screen

                        University students in Hong Kong express their views on

                        online teaching arrangement amid the COVID-19 outbreak

                                                      By Eve Lee in Seoul & Linn Wu in Taipei

      ary schools, primary schools, and   Sanghyun, 25, a South Korean stu-  Chinese University of Hong Kong
      even kindergartens  as a means of   dent studying the Master of Philoso-  (CUHK), prepared multiple sets of
      education  amid  the COVID-19 out-  phy  programme  in  Electronic  and  questions for two of his courses in
      break. Based on the experience of   Computer Engineering at HKUST,  the first term of 2019/2020 school
      e-learning, Shin notes online teach-  took his online examination on Feb-  year.
      ing is not as effective as physical   ruary 18.                           “The questions had different nu-
      class meetings. She also adds virtual   Jeon has con-                  merical values and configurations
      classes miss out on “the connections   cern over fair-                   so that the difficulty level was
      and the unique campus memories”    ness  in  assess-                     more  or  less the  same,  and the
      of physical classes.               ment.  “I heard                        diffrences  (of each set) were very
        Shin is not the only student feel-  students actively                   minor to be detected,” Ho shares.
      ing unhappy with the online teach-  exchanged mes-                       “Time allowed for the online
      ing arrangement.                   sages (with instant                  exam was barely sufficient (even)
                                         messaging tools)dur-                if the students well understood the
             Fair Assessment?            ing online examinations,”  Marco Ho  course material and were well pre-
        On January 30, HKUST an-         he notes.                           pared,” he continues.
      nounced final examinations of the     In a bid to combat cheating, Mar-   “That means if the students try to
      first term would be conducted on-  co Ho, lecturer of the Department  collaborate and work on the exam
      line from February 17 to 22. Jeon   of Information Engineering at the  together, they will not have enough
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