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                                                                             were rejected.
                                                                                A doctor working in the emer-
                                                                             gency ward of Wuhan Central Hos-
                                                                             pital, one of the designated hospitals
                                                                             with fever clinic, who declines to re-
                                                                             veal her name, says there was indeed
                                                                             a large number of patients with un-
                                                                             derlying conditions who were facing
                                                                             difficulties when seeking medical
                                                                                She says once these patients
                                                                             caught a fever, they could not go to
                                                                             non-designated or designated hospi-
                                                                             tals which only admit patients who
                                                                             are confirmed to be infected with
                                                                             novel coronavirus.
                                                                                “Fever  clinics of non-designated
                                                                             hospitals were all closed… (The au-
                                                                             thorities) need to make these hos-
                                                                             pitals as clean areas…where anyone
                                                                             can come without protective meas-
                                                                             ures,”  she  says.  “If  febrile  and  non-
                                                                             febrile patients are treated at the
                                                                             same hospital, it may cause cross
                                                                                In the face of the abrupt with-
                                                                             drawal of medical care for non-coro-
                                                                             navirus patients, many of them and
                                                                             their families sought help from so-
                                                                             cial media out of desperation.
                                                                                By March 12, the hashtag #Non-
                                                                             coronavirus patients asking for help
                                                                             had 100,000 posts with over 120 mil-
                                                                             lion views on Weibo, since its ap-
                                                                             proval of opening on February 6.
                                                                                Under the topic, volunteer groups
      Nurses of a hospital in Baoji are testing temperature for every visitor to prevent   and non-government organisations
      cross infection.                                                       have joined forces in establishing
      leaving desperate patients with  gain access to medical assistance.    chains to open up avenues for peo-
      underlying conditions such as ure-    In an extreme case, Liang Shutao,  ple with chronic diseases. Most vol-
      mia, leukemia, and Aids in a deeper  a  70-year-old patient  with uremia,  unteer teams, cofounded by friends,
      plight.                            committed suicide on February 10.  alumni, or passionate and caring
        Although the newly established  No hospital offered Liang either test-  strangers active in cyberspace, are
      Wuhan Novel Pneumonia Preven-      ing for COVID-19 or further dialysis  fostered by the pandemic and have
      tion and Control Headquarters is-  since February 2 after he showed fe-  played a vital role in saving those
      sued an order to make arrangements  ver symptoms when receiving dialy-  whose pressing needs are unmet by
      for “chronic renal failure patients,  sis. The man was in great pain days  authorities.
      the  pregnant,  surgical  patients  and  before his death and begged staff of   No Red Pocket, a volunteer team
      other types of special patients” on  Luo Jiadun Community, Wuhan, to  founded on February 12, was initial-
      February 5, there were still patients  arrange him a car to a hospital for di-  ly dedicated to helping coronavirus
      with other conditions who could not  alysis several times, but all requests  patients. “But we soon found there
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