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12 / Coronavirus Special

        #Non-coronaviurs patients asking for help had  more than110,000 posts with over 120 million views on Weibo in March.

        were already numerous well-organ-
        ized volunteer groups supporting
        coronavirus patients, which means
        efforts might be wasted if their work
        overlaps each other,” says Hai Hai,
        leader of the team.
           The team, with over 50 members
        so far, shifted their focus to bridge
        the gap between non-coronavirus
        patients, hospitals capable of provid-
        ing corresponding treatment, and
        logistics chains of medical supplies
        to avoid overlapping work with
        other volunteer groups. “Apart from
        facilitating the flow of information
        between those in need of help and
        those offering help, we also closely
        follow every case to ensure their
        pressing needs are handled properly
        and efficiently at each stage,” she ex-
            The team collaborated with oth-
        er volunteer groups to enhance effi-
        ciency. They collected information
        of patients with other diseases with
        the help of a volunteer group named
        Thunder Rescue. Another volunteer
        group, NCP Life Support, provides

           My voice is small,
            but our voice is                Hai Hai and her team gather information for non-COVID-19 patients  and publish it
                                            on Weibo.
                     loud                   contacts of doctors who are willing   “My own voice is small, but our
                                            to offer patients telemedicine sup-  voice is loud,” wrote Hai Hai in her
                                            port.                               work journal posted on Weibo on
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