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      Feb 12. By March 1, No Red Pocket
      had managed to help 266 patients                                     “
      suffering from other diseases and in   Civil organisations do  need support
      a quandary to receive timely care.
      Among them, 13 were in need of di-      from government to function better
      alysis, 51 suffering from cancer or tu-
      mors, and 21 stricken with acute dis-
      eases such as heart attack and stroke.                               ”
        Wuhan     Homosexual     Centre
      is a civic organization founded in   ities by then. “Civil organisations do   Putian network, the largest pri-
      2011, aiming to provide help for the   need support from government to  vate hospital system in China, has
      LGBT community in Wuhan. Amid      function better,” Huang says.       long been criticized for deceptive
      the pandemic, volunteers of the or-   As collateral damage triggered  promotion and low-quality medical
      ganization have shifted their work   by the pandemic escalated, anger  service.
      to deliver drugs for HIV carriers in   spread on social media against the   Despite being suppressed instead
      the locked-down provincial capital.   government’s slow initial response  of trusted by the authorities, civil
      Without multiple drugs essential to   to the coronavirus outbreak and  society in China is striving to thrive.
      cocktail therapy, those living with   their negligence of patients with  “Even if we do not have an official
      HIV may die from any infection as   chronic illness as the administration  pass permit, we will still violate the
      their immune system is weak.       only focused on combating the coro-  traffic control to save people’s lives…
        “There are over 20,000 people in-  navirus.                          I hope even during ‘wartime’, peo-
      fected with HIV in Hubei Province     “I  think  the emergence  of so  ple still pay attention to vulnerable
      and a large number of them cannot   many non-governmental channels  groups,” wrote Huang Haojie on his
      receive their medicine due to the   was due to the lack of official chan-  Weibo account on February 26. He
      pandemic, making them at high risk   nels at the early stage of the out-  received the pass permit on the same
      of drug resistance and morbidity,”   break.  If  there  was  any,  the  people  day.
      says Huang Haojie, a member of the   did not have to resort to social media
      organization. “Problem lies in medi-  for help,” says Fang Kecheng, assis-  As tension in Wuhan eases, op-
      cine delivery but not its supply.”  tant professor of the School of Jour-  eration at hospitals is gradually
        Although some residential com-   nalism and Communication at the  resuming normal. The National
      munities in Wuhan arranged staff to   Chinese University of Hong Kong.  Health Commission declares that
      pick up medicines for people infect-  The Red Cross Society of China  by March 31, 62 hospitals in Wuhan
      ed with HIV as the city tightened its   Hubei Branch also received a na-  are providing medical services for all
      traffic control, most of them refused   tionwide reproach for its inefficien-  patients. According to Hai Hai, most
      to seek help from community staff   cy and misconduct in distributing  patients No Red Pocket has helped
      in the light of privacy concerns, and   donated  materials  during  the  early  can now receive routine treatment.
      they were more likely to turn to civil   stage of the outbreak.
      groups. However, inside the para-     The Society, together with Hubei
      lyzed city, civic groups were also   Charity Federation, had received
      bogged down sometimes.             an overall donation of ¥4.36 billion           Edited by Jasper Cao
        Huang’s fellow member was        (US$610  million)  and  5.29 million
      stopped and questioned by police   pieces of materials by January 29.         Sub-edited by Emilie Lui
      on a delivery run on February 25, be-  However, according to a doctor in
      cause he did not have a pass permit.   Wuhan Union Hospital, a hospital
      Huang  says  though health  bureaus   designated to treat febrile patients
      and hospitals had expressed their   with more than 8,000 staff, was only
      support in issuing special permits   given  3,000 surgical  masks,  while
      for civil organisations, volunteers   16,000 were given to a hospital of
      were not informed of any channel to   Putian network specializing in gyne-
      acquire the pass permit from author-  cology and obstetrics.
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