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        The best way is to seek professional help as soon as possible,

                              especially when the symptoms are
                                       recurring and intrusive


      Psychiatrists launched a volunteer-  How Can People Help Them-            Despite all the self-help tips, Lam
      ing programme named “Care4ALL                   selves?                repeatedly emphasizes the impor-
      香港精神  -  同舟共行計劃”  in Au-              The Hong Kong College of Psy-    tance of finding the right person to
      gust 2019. It is targeted at people  chiatrists has also shared the tips   talk to. “The best way is to seek pro-
      who are mentally disturbed by the  for maintaining mental well-being,   fessional help as soon as possible,
      recent social unrest.              with the public.                    especially when the symptoms are
        The programme is designed to be     One of the tips is to find activi-  recurring and intrusive,” she says.
      easily accessible and approachable.  ties to do or be with families to take   *If  you  are  feeling  depressed  or
      The college tries to offer a compre-  everyone’s minds off the troubles. It   suffering from symptoms of PTSD,
      hensive and volunteer-based com-   is also  important to  get unplugged   you  can call  the Social  Welfare
      munity model to achieve early inter-  from the internet and let your emo-  Department hotline service (2343
      vention and remission. Patients are  tions run free instead of suppressing   2255) or Care4ALL香港精神 - 同舟
      also encouraged to voice out their  them.                              共行計劃 (6020 2493) to get consul-
      worries and concerns before their     “We believe that high levels of   tation and help.
      consultation.                      exposure to trauma through social-
        It is run by volunteering psychia-  media is worrisome, and we would
      trists and social workers. “We offer  advise those with PTSD symptoms
      a maximum of eight free psychiatric  to refrain from excessive social-me-
      consultations and a medication sub-  dia  exposure  to  traumatic  events.”
      sidy of up to HK$ 6,000,” Lam says.   Lam advises.

                                                                                       Edited by Kayi Tsang
                                                                                Sub-edited by Soohyun Kim
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