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                                                     Anti-government protesters gather at Chater Garden in Central for an
                                                      approved rally on January 19. (Photo Courtesy of  Felix Wong SCMP)
           Mental Health Crisis
        According to an article in volume  than the 2014 Occupy Central Move-   About 90 per cent of the respond-
      six, issue 12 of The Lancet, a medi-  ment. Post-traumatic stress disorder   ents from the survey reported that
      cal journal published by the Univer-  symptoms were also estimated to be   the  social movement  had affected
      sity of Hong Kong academics, more  six times higher, with 1.9 million   them psychologically. Journalists
      than two million Hong Kong adults   more adults compared to 10 years   and property management staff
      have shown the symptoms of post-   ago.                                were found to be especially vulner-
      traumatic stress disorder during the   The Hong Kong College of Psy-   able to trauma exposure during the
      ongoing political unrest in the city.   chiatrists also conducted a mental   social unrest.
      Sam is one of those.               health survey on various groups of     “We refer to trauma exposures
        Questionnaires were sent to more   people, including journalists, prop-  as one or more of the following:
      than 18,000 residents aged 18 or   erty  management  staff,  teachers,   directly experiencing trauma, wit-
      above between 2009 and 2019. The   social workers, and the general  pub-  nessing  trauma, learning that a
      result suggested that the prevalence   lic between October and December   traumatic event occurred to a close
      of probable depression is five times   2019.                           family member or friend, or extreme
      higher during the 2019 social unrest                                   repeated  exposure to  aversive de-
                                                                             tails of traumatic events due to the
                                                                             needs of your work,” explains Dr.
                                                                             May Lam, Vice-President (Censor/
                                                                             Education) of the Hong Kong Col-
                                                                             lege of Psychiatrists.
                                                                                “Those who have direct involve-
                                                                             ment in the social turmoil due to oc-
                                                                             cupational needs are more prone to
                                                                             developing depressive and anxiety
                                                                             symptoms than other groups of peo-
                                                                             ple,” Lam adds.
                                                                                The survey also shows that about
                                                                             50 per cent of the respondents expe-
                                                                             rienced feelings of helplessness and

        The police force has been badly stretched by more than six months of protests.
                        (Photo Courtesy of  K. Y. Cheng SCMP)
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