Page 30 - 155 Varsity ebook
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28 / Periscope

            Wendi Fu, a 20-year-old business major student of the Lingnan Uni-
         versity, is one of those who suffers from mental problems. She does not
         seek help from doctors and medical treatment, but she does suffer from
         anxiety due to arguments and family conflicts over the recent protests.
            “I feel very pressured and anxious when I am with my family, as we
         have different political stances. It is very hard to avoid the topic in our
         daily conversation. My parents kept bad-mouthing protestors at dinner
         and this gave me a hard time. So, I chose to live in the school dorm, instead
         of going back home most of the times, to avoid conflicts,” she says.
            In light of the current situation of Hong Kong, Wendi is pessimis-
         tic about the future of the city. She has been thinking about mov-
         ing to other countries since 2014 and her determination got strong-
         er this year due to the fears against the Communist Party of China.
            “I don’t see any hope in the future. It is upsetting to see Hongkongers
         don’t get what they deserve or what they should have had - justice and free-
         dom,” Fu says. “Our freedom of speech and our independent legal system
         are all being threatened since the 2014 Umbrella Movement,” she says.

                                                                                 Ways to cope with negative emotions

                                                Care4ALL Programme                While programmes and services
                                               Pokky Choi, director and edu-    are being offered to curb rising mental
                                            cation psychologist of Edge Devel-  health problems, it is likely there are
                                            opment Centre,  explains that  the   still some suffering in silence. Some
                    Dr. May Lam             protests  are tearing families apart.   may not recognise  their  problems
                                            “The difference in values and views   or may not be willing to seek help.
                                            could develop into doubts regard-     “Many protesters  prefer not
                                            ing each other’s personality and    to talk about their experience.
                        ‘‘                  moral standards, and thus breeds    They are not worried about be-
                                                                                ing labelled, but they are afraid of
           The difference in                mistrust and criticisms,” he adds.  whistleblowers. You never know
                                               Civil society in Hong Kong
           values and views                 has been quick to respond to the    whether they are friends or foes,”
                                                                                Sam, the volunteer first aider says.
          could develop into                fears of the mental health crisis,    Echoing what he said, Lam, Vice-
                                            with  many  launching  targeted
           doubts regarding                 campaigns    and    psychological   President (Censor/Education) of the
                                                                                Hong Kong College of Psychiatrists
                                            counselling services to the public.
           each other’s per-                   Edge Development Centre set up   , states that the hardest part is get-
          sonality and moral                a free hotline in June 2019, to provide   ting those who need help to come
                                                                                forward and receive service they
                                            counselling service by voluntary ed-
         standards, and thus                ucational psychologists to the needy,   offer.  “Once  participants  come  to
         breeds mistrust and                during the social unrest. Currently   us, things are actually very easy.”
                                                                                  In hopes of helping more
                                            the centre has about five educational
                 criticisms                 psychologists on a volunteer basis.  who are reluctant to seek help,
                                                                                The   Hong    Kong   College   of

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