Page 28 - 155 Varsity ebook
P. 28

26 / Periscope

        A lone protester watches as fires rage around Polytechnic University during clashes with police. (Photo Courtesy of  Sam Tsang

               n November 17, 2019, more       At that moment, I thought        I come across news about it, I get
               than 1,000 radical protest-  we were  once promising  young      very emotional,” he says. “Some-
        Oers and their supporters oc-       people, but we might lose every-    times tears just keep streaming
        cupied the Hong Kong Polytechnic    thing  the  next  second,”  he  says.  down my cheeks uncontrollably.”
        University (PolyU) campus and en-      Days after his escape, he          Sam has been diagnosed with
        gaged in fierce clashes with the po-  was still gripped by fear that    post-traumatic  stress   disorder
        lice, sparking off violent exchanges   he would be accosted by po-      (PTSD), an anxiety disorder which
        of petrol bombs and tear gas.       lice.  The   paranoid    thoughts   develops after experiencing an ex-
           Volunteer first aider, Sam, who   still  keep  clouding  his mind.   ceptionally threatening or a cata-
        declines to reveal his full name, was   “Every time I take a mini-      strophic event, such as getting
        one of those barricaded inside the   bus  to Mongkok,  passing  by      into a serious accident, witness-
        PolyU during the confrontations.    Block  Z of  the  campus,  my  hands   ing violent deaths of others, or
           Trapped at the campus, the       and    body   shake    involuntar-  being a victim of a violent crime.
        20-year-old says what he wit-       ily. I try to avoid talking about
        nessed and experienced there was    the PolyU incident. But whenever
        just traumatic. “The police locked
        down the campus, manning eve-                                        ‘‘
        ry exit, and leaving many young
        protesters on the brink of mental       Sometimes tears just keep streaming
        breakdown. You just never know              down my cheeks uncontrollably
        when the police would stage a raid.

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