Page 52 - 155 Varsity ebook
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50/ Our Community

        tel places fails to catch up with the  eight  universities  across  the city.  easy to earn enough hostel credits to
        surge in demand.                    Hostel shortage at CityU was the  secure a bed place on campus.
           Lilian Ho, executive officer of the  most alarming, requiring 3,167 hos-  Kevin Xue, a Year 3 Mainland stu-
        UGC, says the eight UGC-funded uni-  tel places to be developed.        dent of CityU, who is also a tutor of a
        versities only allocated 16,500 hostel   Under the current policy, inter-  residential hall of the university says
        places to a total of 22,200 applica-  national students studying in Hong  it has become more difficult for non-
        tions from international students  Kong universities for a four-year  local students to get a hostel place
        studying  UGC-funded programmes  bachelor’s degree programme are  since a change of policy in 2018.
        this year, including around 3,300  only guaranteed to live on campus      “Although the number of vacan-
        applications by exchange students.  for two or three years. For the non-  cies of each hall varies, the Students
        The allocation ratio is 74 per cent –  guaranteed year(s), they need to earn  Residence Office (SRO) gives the
        which means more than a quarter of  “hostel credits” by participating in  same quotas to non-local students
        these non-local students failed to se-  school activities to compete for the  in each hall,” the Computer Science
        cure a hostel place on campus.      limited hostel places.              student says. He adds that under the
           Figures from the UGC reveals                                         previous policy, SRO did not give
        there was a shortfall of over 13,000       Adapting to U-life           specific quotas for non-local stu-
        hostel places in 2018/2019 at the      For non-local students, it is not  dents.

                                     Source: University Grants Committee, CityU, HKBU, LU, CUHK, EdUHK, PolyU, HKUST, HKU
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