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          I guess not everyone is willing to put
          themselves in an environment where

                      language is a problem

                                                                             mand by 2027.
        “If you want to gain enough  Lim says, adding that local student
      credits for a hostel place, you have  societies tend to have long late-night   Some universities are also trying
      to attend as many activities as pos-  meetings that non-local participants   to deal with the pressing problem by
      sible. But this is very time consum-  are not used to.                 offering off-campus accommodation
      ing,” Xue says, adding that some                                       assistance to non-local students. The
      students  want  to  devote  their  time   Hands from the Government    University of Hong Kong provides a
      on studying to get better academic           and Schools               rental information database to non-
      performances than spending time                      In a bid to solve   local students to help them find pri-
      on school activities. Students trying                the    problem,   vately rented accommodations in
      to earn hostel credits by joining ac-                 the UGC intro-   the city. It also offers rental subsidy
      tivities may not succeed either. “The                 duced the Hos-   amounting to HK$ 2,600 per month,
      quotas of hostel activities are given                 tel   Develop-   and HK$ 26,000 per year to eligible
      out on a first-come-first-serve basis.                ment Fund in     non-local students.
      Students have to keep a keen eye on                  2018.  A  one-off    Collaborating with three non-
      the news about activities and try to               grant of over HK$   governmental organisations, CityU
      sign up as fast as they can,” he says.  Lim Her Yun  10.3 billion was   provides hostels or guest houses for
        Lim Her Yun, a Year 2 student                    approved to the     non-local  students  to  live  off-cam-
      from Malaysia, who is also the for-  six UGC-funded universities with   pus, in which the rent is more afford-
      mer president of the International   hostel shortfalls, hoping the supply   able than hotels.
      Student Association of the Chinese   of student hostels can meet the de-
      University of Hong Kong (ISA-
      CUHK), thinks culture and language                                               Edited by Cynthia Sit
      differences make non-local students                                          Sub-edited by Kayi Tsang
      hesitate to take part in school activi-
      ties. Lim notes it is difficult for inter-
      national students to set up and regis-
      ter a club or society with the Student
      Union for members to earn hostel
      credits since all required documents
      must be in Chinese. The Global Eco-
      nomics  and  Finance major  student
      adds that many are forced to give up
      the registration.
        School activities organised by lo-
      cal students therefore become the
      main source of hostel points, but in-
      ternational students find it difficult
      to join with language and cultural
      barriers. “I guess not everyone is will-
      ing to put themselves in an environ-  Students participating in the CUHK International Student Orientation Camp 2019,
      ment where language is a problem,”   organised by the ISA-CUHK. (Photo courtesy of Lim Her Yun)
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